The series, titled (XXn) Shades of Women of Science, is a one-woman special with a light tone. A journey through time to discover 20 extraordinary scientists: from actress and inventor Hedy Lamarr, through Hypatia and Sophie German; The period of “wizards” and the period of female graduates or first female teachers; From the fascination with the atom to the ethical implications of DNA “scissors” to reach our days.
The theatrical art will be to promote the simplicity, humour, emotion and humility of the stories of these remarkable women, beginning with the question: Does intelligence have sex? Sarah D’ Amario’s play to enhance these women’s stories with humor and energy, helping us to (re)discover that: “No! Intelligence has no gender!” Above all, we cannot wait until 2150 for equal rights and equal opportunities for women to be recognized .
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“Infuriatingly humble social media buff. Twitter advocate. Writer. Internet nerd.”