Who are the list leaders of the parties?

As happens every five years, EU citizens are called to the ballot boxes to choose the representatives who will form part of the European Parliament. Elections will be On Sunday, June 9th 720 members of the European Parliament were elected this year, 61 of whom were elected in Spain, two more than in the 2019 elections.

Of the 39 nominations submitted, the Central Electoral Council ended up announcing 33 of them, which were published in the Official State Gazette.

Candidate lists are closed – voters cannot change the order of candidates – and unlike parliamentary or congressional elections, European elections remain closed. One electoral district. In other words, the listings are common across the country. However, some parties adapt it to the autonomous region, highlighting some or other names.

In addition, most parties running in European elections belong to a European political party.

Who is running for the European elections?

Among the lists of parties that already have parliamentary representation, there are 5 headers for the Catalans: Tony Comin (Junts), Diana Ripa (ERC), Jordi Caña (Cs), Dolores Montserrat (PP), and Jorge Buxade (Fox).

These are the main party candidates, ranked according to the representation they achieved in the last elections to the European Parliament, from largest to smallest.

Together: Tony Comyn

Junts MEP Tony Comyn, during an intervention at the plenary session of the European Parliament (ACN/Albert Cadanet)

Tony Comyn, MEP since 2019, takes over for Carles Puigdemont in the party’s nomination. Together and free for Europe.

He currently holds the position of Executive Vice President of the Republic Council. He was a member of the Parliament of Catalonia from 2003 to 2010 Minister of Health of the General State of Catalonia. In addition, he holds a degree in philosophy, literature, and political science.

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PSC: Teresa Ribera

Teresa Ribera, Socialist Workers Party candidate in the European elections, at the signing ceremony of the Doñana Agreement in Seville (Europa Press/Rocio Rose)

Teresa Ribera is the leader of the Socialists list in the 9J European elections. Currently, it is Third Vice President of the Government of Pedro Sanchez Minister of Environmental Transformation.

He became minister in 2018 and repeated after the 2023 elections, and before that he headed the State Secretariat for Climate Change in the government of José Luis Rodríguez Zapatero.

He studied law, constitutional law, and political science. He also directed the Institute for Sustainable Development and International Relations (IDDRI) and was part of several bodies and agencies related to climate, sustainability or energy policies, such as the International Renewable Energy Agency (IRENA) or the UN Sustainable Development Network. Development solutions.

ERC: Diana Ripa

ERC MEP Diana Ripa during a debate in the European Parliament (ACN/EU)

In these European elections ERC is part of the Ara Repúbliques nomination, along with EH Bildu, BNG and Ara Més. MEP Diana Ripa is No. 1, succeeding Oriol Junqueras.

Moreover, usury is Current spokesman for the left in the European Parliament. She is also a member of various European committees, such as the Committee on Culture and Education, Civil Liberties, Justice and Home Affairs, Women’s Rights and Gender Equality.

He is also a member of the Catalan Association for Civil Rights (ACDC), an association formed by relatives of political prisoners and exiles. She is a teacher and has been managing the Sant Cugat Library for 9 years.

It will be his second number in Catalonia Thomas Molinameteorologist for TV3 and Catalunya Radio.

Midfielder: Jordi Cañas

Member of the European Parliament Jordi Cañas in Barcelona (ACN/Ciutadans)

MEP Jordi Cañas has already made his debut as head of the Ciutadans list. Your nomination will be part of it From the liberal group Renew Europe.

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Cañas is already the current head of the Orange formation delegation in Brussels, as well as its spokesman. Among his initiatives as a Member of the European Parliament, his condemnation of the persecution of Spaniards in Catalan classrooms or his opposition to the amnesty law stand out.

He is also Head of the Delegation for Relations with Mercosur, as well as Vice-President of the Latin American European Parliamentary Assembly.

Commons: Jaume Essens

Jaume Asens, House of Commons candidate, during a pre-campaign event (ACN/Norma Vidal)

In the House of Commons, although the head of the unitary district list is Jalan Star — so far the director general of the Spanish Refugee Aid Committee (CEAR) — in Catalonia, he will preside over the polls His number two, Jaume Asens.

Asens was a key part of Soumare’s negotiations with the ERC and Junts to install Pedro Sánchez. He was also a deputy in Congress from 2020 to 2023, as well as deputy mayor of Barcelona between 2015 and 2019 for Barcelona en Como. He is a lawyer with a degree in law and philosophy.

Power: Irene Montero

Irene Montero, Podemos candidate, during a Spanish government session in the Senate (Europa Press/Alejandro Martinez Velez)

Irene Montero is the candidate to head the list They can In the European elections. Therefore, the party wants to relaunch its project and present itself alone in the European elections. After separating from Sumer.

Montero graduated in Psychology, and was Minister of Equality in the coalition government of PSOE and Unides Podem from 2020 to 2023, as well as a member of Congress and spokesman for the political coalition between 2017 and 2020.

B: Dolores Montserrat

Dolores Montserrat, from the People’s Party, presenting her candidacy for the European elections, in Barcelona (Europa Press/David Zuracino)

Dolores Montserrat has been a member of the European Parliament since 2019, and that was that Leader of the Popular Party list five years ago. She currently holds the position of Vice-President of the European People’s Group.

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She was Minister of Health, Social Services and Equality during the government of Mariano Rajoy from 2016 to 2018, as well as Vice President and Spokesperson of the Chamber of Deputies. She was also a member of Parliament and, in local politics, a councilor for the municipality of Sant’Sadurní d’Annoia. She is a lawyer, graduated in law.

Fox: Jorge Buxade

Vox list head Jorge Buxadi presenting the list to the Europeans (Europa Press/Matías Ciofalo)

Jorge Buxade, leader of the Vox list, also reiterates his candidacy for the European elections. His nomination will be part of the European family European conservatives and reformistsIt is the ultra-conservative group to which the neo-fascist formation of Italian President Giorgia Meloni also belongs.

A member of the National Executive Committee of the Vox party, he has also been a member of the European Parliament since 2019. He was the party’s Vice-President for Political Action from 2020 to March 2024. He graduated in law, and has been serving as a prosecutor at the Supreme Court of Justice of Catalonia since 2003.

All nominations for the European elections

Aside from the main nominations, These are the 33 announced listsWhich was published in the Official Gazette:

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