Frigville. FabLab celebrates science

Frigville.  FabLab celebrates science
Frigville.  FabLab celebrates science

Brand new Fablab ADN-C (for the Association de Développement Numérique de Cocagne) made its debut in Frijville for the three days of the Science Festival. Thursday was reserved for Municipal School pupils (48 pupils of CE2, CM1 and CM2). Friday saw the visit of the baccalaureate students of the Secondary School of Sidobre de Castries. Finally, on Saturday, the exhibition was open to the public and two conferences were presented: “The Connected Cell” presented by Marc Sabartis and “GNSS RTK Station” presented by Christoph Morris. It is a GPS guidance system for agricultural machinery to improve farm work. At the same time, the fair presented the activities of Fablab with two 3D printers and a digital milling machine, not forgetting the start-up / IT training given by Pierre Montenegro. Members of the Brassac Fablab and some elected officials of the District Council also attended. On Sunday, ADN-C Fablab went to Réalmont to present Fablabs activities in collaboration with Carmaux Fablab. Many members of Fablab ADN-C are waiting for you to participate in its activities and to suggest your projects.

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