Is it true that dogs cry from happiness? Here’s what the science says about it

Is it true that dogs cry from happiness?  Here’s what the science says about it

Anyone who has dogs at home knows that these are incredible animals, but is it true that they cry with happiness? Here’s what the science says

As many surely know, dogs are truly unique animals and those who have them at home know that they can be great friends and adventure companions, but is it true that they cry with happiness? Here’s what you need to know about it.

Dogs, is it true that they cry for joy? Here’s what you need to know about it

As is known, Fido has been man’s best friend since ancient times and that is precisely why the relationship between these two is very special. A dog and a man over time have managed to create a truly unique relationship like no other.

However, there are some aspects of this little-known animal, which scientists have been working on for years, that relate to Fido’s behaviour.

Owners watch their dogs a lot and often notice this tearingwhich is a fairly common behavior and has a completely different meaning than you might imagine.

Research conducted by some Japanese scientists and published in the journal Current Biology revealed this Dogs may cry for joy.

Dogs cry for joy – this is what scientists say

It was already known that dogs are unique animals and that their gaze was particularly intense, but some scientists have revealed something truly unique that would leave many people speechless.

Quest comes from Azabu University and explains that dogs can express how they feel through tears.

However, to say that Fido cries of happiness can be risky even if the research seems quite solid. That is, in fact, he analyzed eighteen dogs and observed their reactions during encounters with their human friends. Dogs and humans were separated for seven hours.

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The meeting made Fido cry and it seems that this reaction was due to the release of oxytocin. The latter is capable of creating emotional bonds, and when Fido finds himself in front of his human friend, the level of this hormone rises.

Then the surge of tears was born. To understand whether this behavior was the result of chance or not, the experiment was conducted again, but with people the dogs did not know. The result was that the resulting tear was less.

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