Cariplo Foundation, new funding for researchers is on the way. At its core, data science

Cariplo Foundation, new funding for researchers is on the way.  At its core, data science

Fondazione Cariplo relaunches funding for researchers, putting data science at the center: the beneficiaries of the initiative are young doctoral students in physics, engineering and social sciences. But let’s see in detail.

Cariplo Foundation and Research Funds

This is not the first time that the Fondazione Cariplo has invested in research: in particular, with regard to data science, it is an area that the Via Manin charitable foundation began to investigate in 2020, when it was the first in Italy. To begin analyzing data for Covid-19, I have decided to focus critically on an increasingly important share of resources.

“We have chosen to create a dedicated program that will include more and more high-level partnersOr – explains Carlo Mango, Director of the Scientific Area of ​​the Cariblo Foundation – Data science is something that is changing very quickly in the way we live, work, socialize and last but not least we make decisions.”

In three years, 16 projects have already been financed by Cariplo worth several million euros. now, however, The idea is to make an increasing amount of data available to the community on issues of common interest.

In other words, Mango explains,We prepare different tracks to study the complexity of social phenomena, with special reference to inequality, with a particular focus on povertyBut at the same time

We have developed a collaboration with the Milan Duomo Observatory and the Ca’ Granda Foundation on the impact of animal husbandry and farm products. In a reasonably short time, we will thus be able to provide a picture of the impact of agriculture, in terms of carbon dioxide emissions, and air pollutants. Analyzing air quality, researching and understanding the complex phenomena that surround us means being able to think of possible solutions or mitigations for the phenomena themselves. This last practice has been, for some time now, the basis of the way the Foundation operates on the front lines of inequalities, for example.“.

In the next few days, a new tender will be launched with Norvatis, but also for topics from the corporate and non-profit world, it will start on the topic of poverty, media research and the environment. The data will then be made available to groups of researchers identified by an ad hoc board in order to create a truly ‘public benefit’ pathway.

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In this context, the Cariplo Foundation will be responsible for subsidizing the costs related to the participation of the researchers and the costs related to the research itself that will result from their work.

“For a long time now it’s been a staple for us – director Carlo Mango notes – Support researchers because we are convinced that the research ecosystem must be constantly strengthened through targeted actions to facilitate the access of our young people, who have real distinction in the sector but who are struggling, on pathways to access funds such as those of the European Research Council.”

A support, always offered through tenders, to accompany the research activity from winning the first grants up to the independent, in terms of research, in work activity and thanks in the first half of 2023 alone saw the commissioning of 8 million euros. “this year – Mango wraps up – We have also greatly strengthened this field by expanding our support proposal to disciplines such as engineering, physics and social sciences to give everyone a tangible possibility to conduct research with passion and results.”

For more information on current tenders, it is advisable to view them Official Website For the Cariplo Foundation.

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