Superbonus, moments of tension: checks have begun by the Revenue Agency

Superbonus, moments of tension: checks have begun by the Revenue Agency

Checks made by the Revenue Agency for Superbonus are in progress. Many have already begun to tremble.

Superbonus is spoken again. Verifications by the Revenue Agency have begun, and for many Italians the consequences could be very serious.

Revenue Agency checks started on Superbonus- (Ansa photo) –

the superbonus takes center stage again. On the contrary: it may never have ceased to be given the uproar that arose in the aftermath of the Meloni government’s decision to abolish it. Established in the Cinque Stelle house, this measure allowed entire condominiums to be renovated with a subsidy equal to 110% of the amount spent. one subsidy. Small details: In two years it cost the state about 120 billion euros. A mortgage on the future of young people who will have to deal with an ever higher public debt.

But that’s not all: support is often born with the best intentions to help those who really need it but become Fertile ground for building tricks More finesse. This was the case for citizenship income and also the super bonus was an unmissable opportunity for many scammers and expert experts in the real estate and construction sector.

Superbonus: This is at risk

Fortunately or unfortunately, checks have begun by the Revenue Agency. The goal is to check that there are no frauds against the state. Vulnerable profiles are different and under different aspects. Let’s analyze in detail what can happen to those who have it They benefited from Superbonus 110% without being entitled to it.

Many have benefited from Superbonus without being entitled to it /

Specifically, the revenue agency Check 3 things:

  • the consistency and regularity of the data referred to in communications with those in the tax register;
  • data on credits being transferred and subjects involved in operations;
  • Similar transfers previously made by the persons referred to in the communications and in the options.
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In particular, the Revenue Agency wants to investigate those situations in which ‘dedicated’ housing units have been created between evening and morning Just to be able to get Superbonus. It sounds amazing, but instead, these are the cases that actually happened. It is an offense to the law. This category includes divisions or properties sold to relatives of the sole director of the company. This illegal phenomenon was discovered recently Trieste. In the capital of Friuli Venezia Giulia, a company has bought a property consisting of nine apartments. The property was then sold to the mother, wife and mother-in-law of the sole director of the company. But the actual buyer is the company.

The Court of Justice of Trieste held that the purchaser and contractor of the works, with the various transfers and sales, had the sole purpose of Building constitution simulation In order to be able to access not only Superbonus 110%, but using the balance transfer method, carry out the complete renovation of the property, which was purchased in a run-down and unusable condition, at the state’s total expense. the The condominium in question is still unusable and unoccupied: who benefited from 110% great bonusObviously, she did not benefit from the support for which he was given. In such cases, you risk a lot. Of course all building credits are put on hold but you can also be charged defrauding the state.

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