Can You Lie The science of ophthalmology reveals how to understand it

Can You Lie The science of ophthalmology reveals how to understand it

Telling a few lies now and then is normal and usually being able to detect when someone is lying isn’t easy, but according to a new study, there are some signs that anyone can easily read.

Can you lie (Image via Canva) –

There are some professions Especially in cool work environments like those of spies, where lying is essential and, at least as Hollywood knows, secret agents are meticulously trained to be creative. Reasonable lies Designed to survive and get the job done. But moving away from the cinematic imagination there is no denying that there are people we can identify with Serial liars.

Unable to tell the truth and least of all able to convince anyone of anything. Science has repeatedly asked if and how they could Individually signs of lying. This is why there are so-called eg truth machine Although it is not always reliable. However, a new study seems capable of giving ordinary humans a fairly reliable system for understanding whether the person you’re talking to is telling the truth or lying. Everything will be about details minimum.

How do you lie? The science of lying

The perfect lie must be built Starting with the truth To be believable and easier to remember over time. A plausible story should be full of details. And it is precisely this aspect, that is, the number of details that are said in the case of lying, that we focused on I study It was conducted by the team led by Prof Bruno Verschuer.

Lies (Image via Canva) –

As stated in the opening summary:Decades of research have shown that people are not very good at identifying liesWhich is why the studio tried a so-called approach indicative To try and give some explanation and rendering Tools For those who must identify lies, and thus act with knowledge against those who are accustomed to lying. She gave the experiment conducted by Professor Verschuer promising results, A sign that the tested method can be applied with a good dose of satisfaction. If complacency clearly means being able to unmask when the office mate is lying.

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The devil is in the details

Long nose (Image via Canva) –

The test was performed on Two groups of students Between liars and not liars. Everyone is tasked with announcing their presence around the University of Amsterdam campus for half an hour. The non-liars were told what to do while the liars were told not to Document theft. Then they were all brought in to tell what they had done. It turned out that the other students tasked with examining the accounts of liars and non-liars, and focusing solely on the quality and number of details of the various stories, were able to recognize a high success rate that was close to 80%. Who told a lie. The trick would be to just go and see details with which the event is told: those who tell the truth usually tell a lot of details because they remember it and because they are part of the experience they want to communicate, those who lie on the other hand have no direct experience and therefore only try to give back to their interlocutor minimum to get away with it.

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