I say to Corriere – we have sought confrontation with France and we will lose it

I say to Corriere – we have sought confrontation with France and we will lose it

Dear AldoAnd the
Let us remember the French, when they buy up Italian companies, often doing so for two cents or when they imitate solidarity with the Italians and then mistreat an entire nation as if it were an appendage to France and a union with Africa. Africa is a French speaking continent that uses the French currency and is located in the French zone of influence. It is their purposes and not one ship but all immigrant ships should be directed to them.
Donato LusaMilan

I have met French friends and clients for years, traveled hundreds of times around France for holidays and work, and have always found kindness, respect and appreciation not only to myself, but also to Italians who are sometimes overrated for their history of civility, artistic creativity and ability to work. On the other hand, I have always felt some of the hostility that exists in the political environment. A clear case in the interpretation of history when we say that in France, unlike the rest of the world, there is a Gallo-Roman civilization and not just a Roman one.
John Decius

Dear readersAnd the
When France is involved, many of you write willingly, often in an anti-French vein. Indeed, a clash with Macron in the long term is a big problem for Meloni on the political level, but in the short term it could be a propaganda advantage. The Italians are convinced that the French despise them. I think like Mr. Decio: the French love Italy and are fascinated by the Italians. Different judgment on our policy. Fascist Italy attacked France with the Germans already in Paris: a stab in the back that the Gaullists did not forgive us in particular. France has been ruled for nearly half a century by the anti-fascist right, an expression we consider almost an oxymoron. It is quite natural that any justification for fascism would sound out of tune on the other side of the Alps. When a party wins the Italian elections with exactly the same symbol as Marine Le Pen, against whom Emmanuel Macron fought and won two very grueling presidential campaigns (not counting legislative and administrative), there are clearly some problems. If the French government, with a hundred arrogance – we will observe respect for human rights – and a thousand prejudices, made a gesture of goodwill to welcome a ship, and an hour later we read the tweets of the arrogant Deputy Prime Minister. , Then we can calmly conclude that we went to look for combat. And unfortunately we won’t win it, whether we like France or not, a country under which every file – GDP, population, military and civilian nuclear power, the weight and cost of public debt, a permanent seat on the UN Security Council, even the number of tourists – matters most to us. Then there is Germany, which is of greater importance, and has interests that are much more different than ours. It does not take a political genius to understand that it would be better to get along with France. Without disturbing rivalries and relations at every opportunity, Napoleon and Platini, Gambetta and Zola, Belmondo and Pierre Cardin, who was rightfully called Piero Cardin and was from Sant’Andrea di Barbarana, Treviso.

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Other messages of the day


My Jewish friend was saved by Bartelli and the Bishop of Assisi

On the morning of November 15 in Jerusalem, Miriam Viterbi ben Horin (pictured above), an elderly but spirited Jewish lady with whom I had a long and intense friendship, died. She was the widow of Nathan Ben Horen, the diplomat who cooperated decisively in the Israeli embassy in Rome in order to establish official relations between his homeland and the Vatican. Born in Padua, where her father was a university teacher, she is one of the most influential figures in the Venetian Jewish community. The latter lost his university chair after the racial laws. The Padua Synagogue was burned. Miriam, her sister, father and mother, found refuge with the Bishop of Assisi, Giuseppe Placido Nicolini. Through Don Aldo Brunacci, many Jews were hidden in the Franciscan city. Miriam and her family members received new identities and documents produced by the secret printing house in Assisi, which was the destination of several dangerous journeys made by Bertali, as a relay, from leaving and returning to Florence. Today in Assisi, on the initiative of Bishop Domenico Sorrentino, the Diocesan Museum collects important documents of those events. Miriam was keenly interested in Christian-Jewish unity, particularly with regard to the relationship between the First and Second Testaments, between her life and mine. We’ve talked about this in dozens and dozens of very long phone calls. Miriam has composed some poems on these topics: she asked me for comment and sometimes I sent it to her in writing. With few people in my life, I have experienced such intensity and depth of communication as with Mirjam.
bishop Massimo Camisca

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