Olbia. Great post for “Scienza in piazza” – Olbianova

Olbia.  Great post for “Scienza in piazza” – Olbianova

Olympia. Yesterday at the Archaeological Museum was a day full of experiments in science, physics and mathematics along with logic games. On the first day of “Science in the Field” the heroes of the film were the students.

In addition to the middle and high schools in Olbia, young participants arrived from the schools of Arzachena, Calangianus, Tempio, Porto Torres, Castelsardo and Sassari.

Conferences of experts on scientific topics also attracted many adults to the museum. “The first day of the event was exciting – Culture advisor Sabrina Serra -. There was great participation not only from our school children but also from the many visitors interested in the event.”

ASTEC (AeroSpace Technology Education Center) and the Turritana Astronomical Society were also involved in the initiative. Serra said: “The quality of the demonstrations was above all expectations. All this gives us the feeling of a fast-growing event. We are still waiting for the last day from many visitors.”

Today, Friday, October 14, is the last date for the “Science in the Square” program. From 9:30 to 11:00 a.m. the professor. Sergio StuttgartThe professor of chemistry at the University of Sassari will hold a conference entitled “History of the Periodic Table”. To follow, from 11:30 to 13:00, the program “The Creative Mind: How the Mind Adapts to the Digital Age” by the professor. Andrea SerraProfessor of Pharmacology and Chemotherapy at the University of Sassari.

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