9 million deaths in one year of pollution

9 million deaths in one year of pollution

In 2019, pollution was responsible for 9 million deaths across the planet. We are talking about one in every six deaths, a condition that is comparable to the results of the analysis that was done in 2015. The report, Published in The Lancet Planetary Healthasserts that in the face of the decrease in deaths due to “sources of pollution associated with extreme poverty” (eg attributable to water pollution), there has been a concomitant increase in deaths due to industrial pollution, particularly those associated with certain chemicals.

Little funding. Despite numerous studies showing how pollution has very serious effects on human health, according to Richard Fuller, lead author of the work, interest and funding for combating it has increased since 2015 to a very small extent: “Pollution remains the greatest threat to human and planetary health, to The degree to which the sustainability of modern societies is jeopardized. According to the researcher, if we slow down air pollution, we will get the added benefit of reducing global warming.

arrangement. Of the 9 million deaths attributable to pollution recorded in 2019, 5.67 million will be the result of air pollution, which is responsible for the highest number of deaths. On the other hand, water pollution was responsible for 1.36 million premature deaths. Lead killed 900,000 people, while 870,000 people died due to problems with other toxic substances. Finally, other deaths are attributed to household pollution, for example the use of wood for heating or cooking.

Moreover, this situation was also the cause of huge economic losses estimated at 4,000 billion euros in 2019, equivalent to 6.2 percent of global economic output. The study authors conclude their work with a series of recommendations and with a call for an independent science/policy group on pollution – modeled on the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) – that can give direction and set controls. Objectives that all countries have to observe.

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And now? Rachel Kupka, co-author and executive director of the Global Alliance for Health and Pollution, explains that “pollution, climate change and biodiversity loss” are closely linked. There is no doubt that effective control of these threats requires a globally supported science and policy interface to inform, influence research, and drive funding. So far,” Kupka concludes, “pollution is seen as a local problem that must be addressed through national regulations. But it is now clear that it is a planet-wide threat, and its effects on health extend beyond local borders and require global responses.”

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