We are a country where, to name a few, is one of many possible examplesas Under Secretary in the Ministry of the Interior in the governments of Conte 1, Conte 2 and Draghi, we have a deputy who describes the landing on the moon as a farce (Carlo Sibelia, M5S, 20 July 2014). In this context, where doubt is not accompanied by a question that requires an answer, but the existence of an answer is excluded, It is easy to understand how any evidence can be ignored to get some consensus. Denial has permeated politics (not only in Italy) for decades, but with the rise of populists and the outbreak of the pandemic, the anti-science wave has taken off in the past two and a half years. Now the campaign is back: the challenge over the last vote will also be entangled with an undefeated virus and the resumption of the fall vaccination campaign for updated vaccines. But what is the value of an anti-science party?
Assault on looting votes
An indication of how skeptics are a trophy to be represented comes from the press archives, full of data for which there is no single scientific confirmation. From the long list we deduce some of them:
– November 3, 2020 Matteo Salvini (League): With hydroxychloroquine, hospital admissions and lockdowns are avoided. Home care drug for covid patients I have previously advised against them Ema and Aifa It can lead to serious side effects;
July 18, 2021 Francesco Lollobrigida (FdI group leader in the room)People under the age of 40 should not be vaccinated. October 2021 data suggest the opposite: between 12-39 years old who are not immunized, 692 infected, 25 ended up in hospital, one in intensive care. Among those vaccinated there are 110 infected, Obi in hospital with a previous illness;
– 30 July 2021 David Barillari (Member of the Lazio Regional Council, expelled from M5S): This is Russian roulette and you pull the trigger;
– 7 September 2021 Veronica Giannone (formerly 5 stars, today Forza Italia): swabs are better than vaccines;
– September 13, 2021 Roberta Ferrero (League) The meeting will be organized in the Senate entitled: International Covid Summit – the experiences of care from the world promoting against Covid-19 Diet, Nutrients and Vitamin D and use of pesticides ivermectin Not recommended by Ema and Aifa;
– 10 September 2021 Bianca Laura Granato (5 stars, now Vice President of UpC-CAL-Alt-PC-AI-Pr.SMART-IdV): Vaccines against covid? It equates to “less than cosmetic,” and there is no scientific data other than suggestive statistics;
September 17, 2021 Giorgia Meloni (Italy Brothers) on me Facebookrelaunch de . article the truth Writes: Hume Foundation Endorsed – Researcher Study Mario Menicilla That home remedies significantly reduce deaths and hospitalizations from Covid-19. Respected Hume Foundation Not a scientific society but a private law society run by the world of politics Luca RecolviAnd the Mario Menicilla a nuclear physicist and no validated studies have been reported by scientific journals, but the revival of anti-Covid home care for which no regulatory agency has given the green light;
– April 24, 2022 Senator Lucio Malan (Italy Brothers) on me Twitter: 40 sudden deaths in 5 days. It instilled the suspicion that the deaths were caused by vaccination even if there was no evidence.
Playing on the same suggestion too Gianluigi Paragone escaped from M5S and leader of Italexit in Facebook (1.5 million followersPost trauma photos using sudden death.
Warning: Doubt and distrust are not bad at allBecause it is through doubts that new discoveries are made.
The problem here is that the method used is essentially that of cherry-picking: I ignore all evidence that could disprove my thesis and highlight only those in my favor in a discourse characterized by faulty reasoning.
So the question arises: How much is an incredible party it’s really worth?
Level of confidence in science
Level of trust or distrust of science measured in 6 countries I study Peritia – Politics, Experience and Trust (Experience, Policy, Expertise and Trust) Funded byEuropean Union and executed in . formatUniversity College From Dublin Born in Policy Institute to me King’s College From London. Share a sample of 12,000 respondents from ItalyAnd the United Kingdom, Ireland, Germany, Norway and Poland. Italian partnerSan Rafael University LifeHealth From Milan with the professors Piero Ronzani and Carlo Martini. Percentages are calculated based on the answers to the question: 0 to 10 How do you trust the university’s scientists? These are the Italian results and comparison with other countries. Puritans who distrust science are the 10%that is, those who voted 0 to 3. This number is in line with the percentage of those over 12 who did not even get a dose of the vaccine (in Germany and Poland it is 13%, in Ireland it is 10% in the UK and Norway 9%). skeptics (Rating from 4 to 6) My age is 29% As in the other European countries sampled (only Poland is 33% higher). Convinced 59% as in Norway, in Germany 56%, Ireland 58%, Poland 51%; 61% more trust in the UK. 1-2% do not know.
Who does not trust science?
world of politics Luca Versicelli from the University of Siena and then analyzed for data room data Beritia To understand who are those who give an insufficient score (from 0 to 5). Distrust is concentrated above all in the middle-aged classesA percentage of the inaction of Al-Qaeda scholars 29% in the range between 25 and 34 years oldto me 34% in the range between 35 and 44 years old and all 31% in the range between 45 and 54 years oldversus young people aged 18-24 years in 23%I 55-64 to me 25% and more 65 to 21%. In the Central-South 29% and in carrots 33%against the 26% In the North West and the 24% In the the Northeast. to me 33% in Rural areasagainst the 25% in urban areas. to me 31% Among those who do not have‘high schoolagainst the 22% subordinate Alumni.
real consensus
In short: the anti-science party seems to have less consensus Compared to seeing you find certain attitudes of skepticism on social media and also in the political world. Those who are not inclined to trust scienceUniversity scholars in particular, less than 30%. Distrust is concentrated above all in the middle-aged classes, in the regions of the south and islands, in the rural areas with the lowest level of education.
Another study just published by Vita-Salute University by title Facing hesitation about vaccines by accrediting medical experts It shows how a lack of information affects skeptics. Between December 2020 and January 2021, directed to a sample of 3040 Italian Question: When will the Covid vaccine be available and will I vaccinate? in 369 They said it discord. The reason skeptics put forward 43% Of the cases related to approval of the vaccine is considered very rapid. The interviewees were then subjected to an explanatory letterVaccines are developed in a timely manner thanks to time lapses associated with bureaucracy and huge funding.
Result: People who are told that the source of the message are experienced doctors in 3% of cases change their mind
A small percentage, but it means hundreds of thousands of citizens compared to the Italian population. This means that the suspect is legitimate, and they are 29% (As shown in the study Beritia), when they are faced with clear explanations they can come down to 26%.
Important voices. Parties that have always held an ambiguous position on this issueThen you have two ways: to explain to its voters What does science say? (then everyone is free to decide), or Give gas to 10% irreducible material And it feeds the skeptics’ doubts to take their voices home. The relapse of this second path, in the words of Hippocrates: In fact, there are two things: knowledge and opinion. there Before born KnowledgeSecond ignorance.
25 July 2022 | 07:04
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