2022 Club World Cup final

2022 Club World Cup final

Betim (Brazil), December 11, 2022

Club World Cup Final 2022 – Live from Betim: Sir Safety Perugia – Trentino Itas 1-1

The final match of the FIFA Club World Cup 2022 will be held at Ginasio Poliesportivo Divino Braga. This is the result (updated every 120 seconds):

Designation the first Second Third fourth Fifth
Sir Safety Souza Perugia 2 20 25 27 21 _
Trentino Itas 1 25 23 25 17 _
Duration 23 ‘ 29 ‘ 30 ‘ _ _

match report. Trentino Itas presents himself in a typical formation for the appointment of the year in Brazil: Sepertoli in the direction, Kaszeski in the opposite, Micheletto and Lafia in the 4th place, Lesinac and Podraskanen in the center and Lorenzano Libero. Sir Safety Souza responds with Gianelli’s dribbling, Riccilicki in return, Lyon and Seminyuk players, Rosso and Flavio Central, and a free Colassi. Gialloblù’s start is very convincing: a block by Lavia on Semeniuk and an ace by Michieletto guarantee the first penetration (5-2), then the margin increases thanks to a foul from the same pole on the net and an ace by Kaziyski (9-4); The situation that Anastasi advises to stop the game. But in the second half, Trento still dictates the law at the break stage with Lavia (ice) and Podraskanen (block) for 13-8 and then 16-9 because Seminyuk is still struggling. Umbrian seat runs to hide: inside Plotnytskyi, who immediately gets a few points making the match 20-16. Podrascanin thwarted the threat ahead of time, then Mate and Micheletto again think about defending the advantage and close the conversation in the first set already at 25-20.
In the second set, Plotnytskyi remains on court in place of Semeniuk and it is the Ukrainian who signs Sir’s revenge which goes from 3-3 to 3-6. Lorenzetti interrupts the match. Trento stumbles but does not give up and bounces back again with Micheletto and Kazysky (8-11), forcing the opponents out of time; In the second half, Rychliki widens the gap (12-16 and 16-21), but he is not yet the decisive starting point because with great stubbornness the Trentino players return to 23-24, canceling two set pieces, before falling back to the third: 23-25 With a foul on Kazinsky’s serve, after Mate himself had scored an ace.
In the third set, Trentino Itas starts with a slingshot (6-3 and 10-6) taking advantage of the many mistakes of the opponents, a position that advises Anastasi to alternate between Herrera and Reichlicki. Perugia rose again to 13-12, then Micheletto, Kazyski and Podraskanen made a new acceleration of the score (18-14). Sir Safety Souza rises with Plotnytskyi on duty again with a record of 0-5 (18-19). We go sprint where Giallobl canceled out two set points before suffering the winning kick by Flavio on Podrascanin that put Perugia up 2-1 (25-27).

Trentino Volley Srl
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