10 Things You Should Never Google (Especially at Night)

10 Things You Should Never Google (Especially at Night)

There are things that are better not to do, even if they are on the Internet. Here are 10 things you should never search for on Google (especially at night)

the Web world It is a wonderful and multi-faceted place. This allows us to find great solutions, but it can also bring us face to face with the gods Risks.

10 Things You Should Never Google (Especially at Night)
There are things it is better not to look for – Computer-idea.it

In fact, when browsing the internet, it’s always a good idea to make sure you take this into consideration Some precautions This can be beneficial for us and prevent us from finding negative thoughts useless. Here then, 10 things you should never search for on Google (Especially at night).

Google is the search engine The most famous and used In the world. In fact, this browser allows us to search using keywords for topics that interest us at that moment. However, even though searching in this program is free – except for items It is considered illegal – it is good Follow some tips On how to best use it. In fact, there are 10 things you should never search for on Google.

These are 10 things you should never search for on Google

First thing’s a great classic: Diseases and symptoms. It may sound silly, but Google is not at all effective when it comes to giving advice about our health. Just a doctor can do it satisfactorily. So relying on a browser that doesn’t know us is not a good idea. The same goes for Diets are great.

10 things you should never search for on Google
Here are the 10 things not to search for on Google – Computer-idea.it

We often feel guilty, so finding a diet that promises us impossible things can make us fall into a trapBuy useless products. The third thing you should never search for on Google is i Temptation tutorial. These are real scams, as seducing a woman or a man is a completely subjective and dependent practice Almost countless factors.

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The fourth thing you should never search for on Google – the opposite may seem silly – is a Tutorial how to make a bomb. Sometimes, out of curiosity, we can ask ourselves questions that we don’t want to answer. Therefore, doing this search, in addition to finding nothing, can create a questionable and misleading precedent.

If you’re browsing during the night hours, you shouldn’t search Answers about the meaning of life. In fact, you may not get out of it easily. The same applies to the portal.”Death hour“, which guesses – without any valid measurement – when you might die. Not a good idea if you’re about to fall asleep.

The seventh search you should never do on Google is to search for social networks. It is better not to type the name of the social network you are interested in on Google so as not to risk getting into specially copied scam sites. Moreover, it is not even recommended to conduct research related to the products or Topics you don’t want to find later in ads.

The same goes for your location. This may result in advertisements and sponsorship offers depending on where you are located. The last thing you should never search for on Google is… What are you interested in? truly. This is to avoid exposing you to too many advertisements or advertisements.

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