Xbox Game Pass: Mana Insights into the catalog at launch? Guides from Microsoft Store

Xbox Game Pass: Mana Insights into the catalog at launch?  Guides from Microsoft Store

Mana visionsthe new game in Square Enix's long-running series, could enter the catalog Xbox Game Pass Leave Since its launchor at least that's what the official Microsoft Store suggests.

As IdleSloth mentioned on X| Twitter, the game's Xbox Store page has some obvious references to the subscription service. The portal preview says: “Regenerate the flow of power in Visions of Mana, coming soon to Xbox Series Furthermore, one user shared a dedicated store screen for the game with the writing “playing on day one,” which could also be linked to Game Pass in this case.

It's still too early to celebrate

But after the examination, we would like to point this out Such references seem to have disappeared From the App Store, we assume that they have been eliminated by Microsoft. Therefore, there are two hypotheses: the information arose due to Redmond's negligence, or it is correct but was incorrectly disclosed at an early date.

It must be said that in the second case one might wonder why the announcement did not arrive during last week's Devoloper_Direct, in which Visions of Mana appeared by surprise, but again we cannot know Microsoft's marketing strategies or the details of the agreement allegedly created between Square Enix and Microsoft.

Anyway, for now Visions of Mana has not been confirmed on Xbox Game PassTherefore, we advise you to deal with the issue with some caution, waiting for official communications in this regard. The truth, for better or worse, should come out in the coming months, given that the game is expected to launch during the summer on PC, PlayStation and Xbox.

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