Why gardening is good for your health: Science reveals it

Why gardening is good for your health: Science reveals it

The start of the new year is full of good resolutions: that’s why you should start gardening right away. Science says so.

Poppy Horticultural Research
Poppies – Image by pixabay – Horizonnergia.it

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the 2023 It has just started and brings with it a breath of fresh air. As it always happens at the start of every new classic, we have it agenda The mental table is full of good intentions that we don’t always respect.

Today we explain why gardening should definitely be one of the new habits to adopt for the new year. there Sciences Provides good reasons.

Why is gardening good for health? Science spoke

Gardening for weeds
Gardening – Image by pixabay – Horizonnergia.it

study comes from University of Colorado Boulder in coalition withAmerican Cancer Society. Gardening is definitely one of the resolutions to include for the new year. Gardening seems to offer a virtuous revolution in one’s life.

Taking care of a vegetable garden, since gardening also includes taking care of a vegetable garden, automatically leads to eating healthy food, More fruits and more vegetables at zero kilometer. Then lawn care introduces the unrecognized physical activity we all would like to be able to do but don’t out of laziness.

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Eating fruits and vegetables along with physical activity are healthy habits recommended by doctors to reduce the risk of infection cancer And diseases like Diabetes and high blood pressure. And then science talks about another useful action that gardening will bring to the mind.

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Taking care of plants and being close to them reduces stress and anxiety levels and reduces symptoms of mental disorders. American researchers based their theses by conducting a study on 291 Adult English to The average age is 41 years. None of the participants practiced gardening.

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After measuring weight including health levels and Psychological and physical well-being Of the participants, those were placed in a community gardening program and given management vegetable garden After attending an introductory course on gardening. Results: After six months, the subjects ate 1.4 grams of fiber More per day, which is 7% more than before.

This new ratio boosted the participants’ immune systems and systems inflammatory responses. Increased physical activity 45 minutes Weekly, with two or three garden visits every seven days. At the same time, people’s pressure for the activity itself and the community spirit that developed among the participants decreased.

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