The future vision of scientific communication. This is the name of the cycle of international seminars that bring together scholars and professionals to explore the future Scientific communication.
Organizer by the Sissa Interdisciplinary Laboratory (International School for Advanced Studies) and Sisa MedialabThe event will take place on the main campus of the school at Via Bonomea 265, in Trieste, From November 22 to 24.
There will be many topics that will be discussed and discussed: from scientific diplomacy to artificial intelligence, from pandemics to environmental sustainability and so on.
In short, an occasion in which the challenges of spreading and sharing scientific knowledge intertwine Major contemporary concernsas well as with deep Changes in the relationship between society and the scientific environment.
The goal then Expanding dialogue and strengthening the community of various actors in the field of scientific communication: The meeting, on an international scale, is specifically intended to bring together scholars and professionals to explore some important issues on a global level.
But let’s take a closer look at the program.
Starts on Tuesday 22nd November. After the institutional greetings, we move on to a first series of meetings: they will intervene in the morning Jean Marco MuellerChair of Science Diplomacy at the DG Research and Innovation of the European Commission, e Max PauliProgram Coordinator at Unesco-Twas.
The two will illustrate the complex relationship between science and international politics, and all the challenges that arise on this front.
In the afternoon it will be a turn Ivana BartolettiAnd the Global Data Privacy Officer by Wipro, Roberto Trottathe parent company of AstroML from Sissa e Elizabeth Toladata journalist, science publisher and founder of science communication agency Formica Blu.
The discussion will analyze The role of artificial intelligence in the revolution of public communication, in our way of consuming information and news. The focus will then turn to the risks and opportunities presented by the algorithm.
Then we start again on Wednesday 23 November with two afternoon sessions. Heroes of the first characters famous on the international scene: Michelle Riedlinger, Nico Petrelli, Jurij Castelfranchi, Matteo Merzagora And the Paula Rodari. Together, we will talk about the past and the future Journal of Scientific Communicationan international platform e open source which for twenty years has been a field of comparison for scholars from all over the world.
Instead, the second appointment of the day will be devoted to presenting the Paper – How Science Becomes Science podcast, with Matthew Cattaneo And the Federica Sgurbessaboth of whom are science journalists.
It closes on Thursday, November 24, with a double date. in the morning with Martin Bauer And the Nico Petrelli We will talk about the role of science and public opinion, and the necessary trust that must be placed in the scientific community and the different contexts in which it is so diverse.
In conclusion, the afternoon we celebrate the twenty-fifth anniversary of Journal of High Energy Physics, a leading journal created by scientists for scientists. will be discussed with Eva Babunic, Maria Bellantoni, Julia Zandergui, Fabio Zwirner And the Aldo Ramponi.
All events, in English, are Free and open And they will be transmitted in live streams on YouTube channel.
over here detailed programme.
“Infuriatingly humble social media buff. Twitter advocate. Writer. Internet nerd.”