A salary cap to solve football problems and contain losses exacerbated by the pandemic. This is the proposal launched by the CEO Bavaria Monaco Oliver Kahn. We want a maximum salary, which is X amount any club can spend as a maximum salary – confirmed by the former German goalkeeper and current CEO of Bavarians – and penalties that hurt and are real, even for the big clubs.”
In the long interview with the Süddeutsche Zeitung, the Bavarian CEO did not hide a certain concern about the new wave of the Corona virus, which has forced Germany to close stadiums. Huge economic damage even to a virtuous club like Bayern Munich.
According to Kahn, clubs should invest a maximum of 60-70% of revenue in salaries. Moreover, there should also be clear limits for investors on how much they can invest in the football team and how many losses they can compensate. “But two points would be useless without the third: there have to be bad penalties and they are already enforced, even at the big clubs. In the end, we want nothing more than to control costs in world football.”

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