[VIDEO] President of the General Confederation of Workers of Catalonia and PSOE candidate loses his cards against Puigdemont

[VIDEO] President of the General Confederation of Workers of Catalonia and PSOE candidate loses his cards against Puigdemont

Last member on the list sun for them Catalan electionsPresident of the UGT of Catalonia and Chairman of the Seat’s Business Committee, Matias Carneiroattacked Carles Puigdemont Because he asked for it Pedro Sanchez He arrived at the “Crying at Home” campaign: “Crying, he left in the trunk of the car, and I don’t know if he was angry or upset, but he went to Brussels,” he said during one of the campaign events. The comment sparked applause and laughter from the audience.

In addition, this was not the only attack launched by Carneiro on Puigdemont. In his speech, he mentioned several times the alleged departure from the Spanish state in the trunk of the car. It is a false claim, which the president has denied several times. For example, he joked about Jontz’s campaign poster, which showed Puigdemont in the car, and asked himself: “Why wasn’t the photo taken in the trunk?” In addition, he was referred to as “the man who lives abroad.”

Carles Puigdemont responded in a message on the social network Twitter in which he expressed his regret for the attack he was subjected to and accused Carneiro of doing the same thing that Pedro Sanchez condemned: “Dehumanization is also what this socialist candidate has just done. Those who complain that the Spanish press are making up that Pedro Sanchez is using the Falcon inappropriately, and inappropriately spreading the lie created from the sewers of the state to justify why they couldn’t arrest me before going into “exile.”

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Additionally, he again denied that the 2017 was left inside the trunk: “They made up that trunk to try to justify their incompetence (or our ability to avoid secure detention). I’ve never been in a trunk, and they know it, but they repeat it like a sewer repeats that the Prime Minister’s wife has shady dealings.

Carneiro’s statements spread widely on social media and to a small number of leaders and members together More pro-independence formations have publicly condemned it.

Puigdemont told Pedro Sánchez that it was necessary to reach the “Cry of the Fatherland” campaign, as a result of which the Spanish president canceled the agenda and gave himself a few days to think about whether it was worth continuing in office. “It has been ten years since my wife and I were persecuted,” Sánchez said in a speech in Moncloa, in which he also criticized right-wingers for confusing the right to freedom of expression with the freedom to defame.

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