(ANSA) — NEW YORK, Oct. 7 — A pregnancy boycott could be done again in Arizona, at least for now. This was established by the state appeals court with Planned Parenthood and effectively banned a passed law banning abortion almost completely, mandating a maximum of 15 weeks for the termination of pregnancy.
It is not clear whether further challenges the state will file for a near-total ban on abortion, which was established after the Supreme Court’s decision to overturn Roe v. Wade, the landmark 1973 ruling under which abortion was legalized in the country.
The Ohio court also outlawed the abortion ban after six weeks until various legal disputes over the law had been resolved. With this decision, pregnancy terminations remain legal until the 22nd week.
“We celebrate victory in a battle, but our work is not yet complete,” says Erie Harvey, Planned Parenthood #1 in Ohio. (Dealing).
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