Trust the science that must also be bred ‘in peacetime’ –

Trust the science that must also be bred ‘in peacetime’ –

In one of the most clips Interestingly, in his speech at the opening of the school year in Sapienza, Rome, the President of the Republic defined the high rate of Italian vaccinations as a “referendum on science and its value”, noting that “the period of underestimation of the role of science in Italy is closed in parentheses”.

The President reaffirms with his office authority what scientists in the sector have been asserting for some time: despite the widespread and unfounded stereotype (unfortunately often also repeated by those who should care more about empirical data, such as scientific experts) and Data show that trust in science and neglThere are many scholars in our country High and always growing in recent years, regardless of the epidemic. At the same time, it is important to stress that the adherence rate of the Covid-19 vaccine is very high and unimaginable even a few years ago. However, social science invites us to consider carefully the causal relationships between two phenomenatemporary or even related. Otherwise, as in a well-known example, we must conclude that high consumption of chocolate sets the stage for winningNoble, because both relative indices are high in some countries (eg Switzerland).

Effective way Only one in five vaccinated in Italy claims to have done so on the basis of their “general confidence in the scientists”., while more than one in two held a more realistic “benefit outweighs risk” position; For another fifth, “data show vaccine safety” (data from the Observatory for Science and Society). To these reasons must naturally be added those who have chosen the vaccine to fulfill their professional obligations or to be able to obtain the Green Pass. Another essential element is trust in institutions. A few months ago, a large international study shed light on the link between trust in institutions and orientation towards vaccination, and found the lowest levels precisely in today’s Eastern European countries that are overshadowed by the new wave of infections.

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In essence, trust in science is clearly an important background on various issues, including vaccinations. But it is a background that needs to be refined and solidified in the long term “in peacetime” and even once the (long) pandemic arc is over. Trust in science cannot be invoked only “in times of war,” as a key to be pressed to encourage citizens to adopt certain behaviors on the spot.

November 24, 2021, 20:35 – change November 24, 2021 | 20:36

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