This is the best party city in Europe

This is the best party city in Europe

Sure, the pandemic has put a damper on our nighttime outings for a while, but over the past two years we’ve seen that Back -Very gradual- From the nightlife of the entire planet At its peak, although there are still some restrictions in many countries.

To find out what are the best cities in the world to enjoy a good nightlife, Time Out conducted a massive survey. For residents of hundreds of cities around the world, according to the responses we received, Rio de Janeiro won the gold medal. The Brazilian city has been crowned the world’s best nightlife destination, ahead of the likes of Buenos Aires and Berlin. Although the German capital failed to make it onto the global podium, it did so on the European stage, taking the top spot. According to the participants, Berlin is the city with the best nightlife in Europe, thanks to its hundreds of clubs and bars, some of which are known around the world, such as the Berghain nightclub.

Berlin’s rave scene is an integral part of the city’s culture, But even the German capital has seen big changes in its nightlife culture.“The last few years have seen the death of some beloved nightlife institutions, such as Neukölln’s Loophole, but Berlin continues to reinvent itself,” says the Berlin-based writer. Anna Jerry Meyer.

These are the 13 cities in the world with the best nightlife:

1. Rio de Janeiro, Brazil

2. Manila, Philippines

3. Berlin, Germany

4. Guadalajara, Mexico

5. Austin, Units of Statistics

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6. Lagos, Nigeria

7. Rotterdam, Netherlands

8. Manchester, United Kingdom

9. Budapest, Hungary

10. Accra, Ghana

11. Buenos Aires, Argentina

12. Taipei, Taiwan

13. Singapore

How was the survey conducted?

After asking thousands of people about their favorite nightlife spots and experiences and their overall rating of their city’s nightlife offerings, the data was analyzed. We narrowed the selection by excluding cities with the lowest overall scores and Only taking into account the city that got the highest score in each country.In addition, the study also includes the opinions of three DJs who highlighted three nightlife capitals worth mentioning: Barcelona, ​​Hong Kong and Brisbane.

*Check here Full list of deadlines One of the cities with the best nightlife

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