This is a common medication that should not be mixed with high blood pressure medications.

This is a common medication that should not be mixed with high blood pressure medications.
formulation formulation

Arterial hypertension is a frequent health problem that affects about 33% of the population in Spain, according to data from the Spanish Hypertension Association – Spanish Association for the Fight against Arterial Hypertension (See-night). This condition, if not properly controlled with medication, can lead to serious complications such as angina, arrhythmia or even rupture of a cerebral artery. Although it can appear at any age, it is usually diagnosed more frequently starting from the age of forty, warns the Spanish Heart Foundation.

To treat high blood pressure, doctors usually prescribe angiotensin-converting enzyme (ACE) inhibitors (sorrow), sometimes combined with diuretics. However, since 2010, several studies, such as High Blood Pressure and Painkiller Consumption: Shedding Light on an Old Problem, have raised concerns in the medical community by suggesting that painkiller consumption. From ibuprofenone of the most commonly used pain relievers, can increase the risk of sudden kidney failure in patients with high blood pressure.

the study to set risk Factors to tripartite powerful hit All-seeing college infection It confirms that combining high blood pressure medications with ibuprofen increases the risk of kidney failure by up to 31%. However, the study’s co-author, Prof. LaytonHe explained that not all patients are exposed to this risk.

The main reason that may lead to kidney failure in some patients is the use of diuretics as part of antihypertensive therapy, because these drugs make the body retain less fluid, and in combination with an anti-inflammatory. Steroid (where) Like ibuprofen, it “significantly increases the risk of acute kidney injury,” the researchers reported.

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Risks of taking ibuprofen without a prescription

The fact that ibuprofen can be obtained without a prescription (400 mg or less) at any pharmacy makes the risk even greater for those taking blood pressure medications. For this reason, it is essential to educate patients about the risks of combining these medications and advise them to choose other painkillers.

Warning symptoms and recommendations

Even if the risk of kidney failure when combining ibuprofen with blood pressure-lowering medications is 31%, experts say it is high enough not to be ignored.

According to the National Institutes of Health (National Institute of Health) From the United States, patients who are taking high blood pressure medications and ibuprofen may experience symptoms such as leg swelling, headache, decreased urine output, joint stiffness, and extreme fatigue. If these signs appear, it is advisable to seek medical attention immediately.

In short, ibuprofen, despite being a commonly used medication, can pose a significant risk to kidney health in people taking medications to treat high blood pressure, especially if they include diuretics. Therefore, it is important for hypertensive patients to avoid using ibuprofen and choose safer alternatives, such as paracetamol, always under the supervision of a medical professional.

Likewise, it is the responsibility of healthcare professionals to adequately inform their patients about the risks of combining certain medications and to be aware of the potential symptoms of kidney failure in order to act in a timely manner and prevent serious complications.

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