These are the best foods to maintain strength after 60 years

These are the best foods to maintain strength after 60 years

These are the best foods to maintain strength after 60 yearsPixabay

Over time, nutrition becomes more important for anti-aging and Increase muscle strength. In addition to regular physical exercise and good periods of sleep breakYou should follow a balanced diet rich in these foods.

Nutritionists recommend consuming macronutrients to maintain muscle cells and tissues. For this reason, it is important to incorporate protein into our diet. We can find it in consumption Red meat, chicken, fish, eggs, dairy products, and legumes.

the Vitamin C It is also essential for people over 60 years of age. These nutrients are regulated Oxygen levels in muscle tissue. It also strengthens the walls of blood capillaries, helps iron absorption, collagen formation and calcium absorption. On the other hand, this vitamin is very important to help the immune system.

As we age, our bone system weakens, and we need to eat calcium-rich foods. For this reason, it is recommended to eat it Milk, chickpeas and green leafy vegetables.

Good fats, such asOmega 3It also contributes to increasing muscle mass. Recent studies have also determined that people who consume more fiber maintain their strength better.

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