The war between Israel and Hamas and Gaza under siege: Latest news today, December 3. He lives

The war between Israel and Hamas and Gaza under siege: Latest news today, December 3.  He lives

Clashes continue in the southern Gaza Strip. According to NBC, Israel has agreed to designate large “safe zones” that will be larger than what was initially discussed. At the same time, he expels Khan Yunis and pushes the population towards Rafah, on the border with Egypt. The United States asks Netanyahu to protect Palestinian civilians and prevent settler violence in the West Bank. He is an Israeli who insists: “The Oslo Accords were a grave mistake.”

Clashes continue in the southern Gaza Strip, and hopes for a truce in Gaza are fading. Israel has agreed, according to NBC, to designate large “safe zones” that will be larger than what was initially discussed. At the same time, he expels Khan Yunis and pushes the population towards Rafah, on the border with Egypt. The United States asks Netanyahu to protect Palestinian civilians and prevent settler violence in the West Bank. The Israeli leader insists that “the Oslo Accords were a grave mistake and the Palestinian Authority will never be able to control Gaza once Hamas is defeated.” The game is also played over hostages. Hamas claims it only has men and soldiers, while Israel claims it still has women and children.\n\n



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“”,”postId”:”193ec086-6f58-45b7-a4a4-85d88d6725f5″}],”posts”:[{“timestamp”:”2023-12-03T07:15:00.685Z”,”timestampUtcIt”:”2023-12-03T08:15:00+0100″,”altBackground”:false,”title”:”Medioriente, oltre 30 morti in raid Idf nel sud di Gaza”,”content”:”

Più di 30 persone sono state uccise negli attacchi aerei israeliani questa mattina che hanno preso di mira le aree delle città meridionali di Khan Younis e Rafah, nella Striscia di Gaza. A partire dalla scorsa notte, gli attacchi aerei in corso hanno danneggiato gran parte del lato orientale di Khan Younis e ai residenti è stato ordinato con tono minaccioso di evacuare verso il lato occidentale della città o verso la città di Rafah, riporta al Jazeera. Un reporter dell’emittente del Qatar riferisce che \”le persone hanno iniziato a fuggire da Rafah ma sono state bombardate, confermando il fatto che non esiste un posto sicuro a Gaza. Centinaia di residenti sono ancora bloccati nelle aree di Khan Younis prese di mira poiché le strade principali che conducono ad altre parti della città o più a sud sono state distrutte o gravemente danneggiate\”.


Nel nord, i soccorritori hanno tirato fuori almeno 10 corpi da sotto le macerie dopo che gli attacchi israeliani hanno distrutto 50 case.

“,”postId”:”977435d4-1577-4085-b6cd-9c1e6542a637″},{“timestamp”:”2023-12-03T07:00:00.913Z”,”timestampUtcIt”:”2023-12-03T08:00:00+0100″,”altBackground”:false,”title”:”Medioriente, Austin. si può vincere nella guerra urbana solo proteggendo i civili”,”content”:”

Il segretario alla Difesa americano Lloyd Austin ha parlato dei combattimenti in corso tra Israele e Hamas e ha affermato che \”si può vincere nella guerra urbana solo proteggendo i civili\”. Intervenendo al Reagan National Defense Forum, Austin ha affermato di aver \”ripetutamente chiarito ai leader israeliani che proteggere i civili palestinesi a Gaza è sia una responsabilità morale che un imperativo strategico.

“,”postId”:”ca449a94-a22d-4022-b037-8d08080ff926″},{“timestamp”:”2023-12-03T07:00:00.717Z”,”timestampUtcIt”:”2023-12-03T08:00:00+0100″,”altBackground”:false,”title”:”Medioriente, Hamas lancia oltre 250 razzi su Tel Aviv e altre città”,”content”:”

Il braccio armato di Hamas e quello della Jihad islamica affiliata hanno annunciato di aver lanciato razzi su Tel Aviv e altre citta’ israeliane; secondo l’esercito israeliano i razzi lanciati sono oltre 250; due soldati sono


rimasti uccisi. 

“,”postId”:”822677bd-3cb5-49e0-af76-099f05a4b1f0″},{“timestamp”:”2023-12-03T06:45:00.216Z”,”timestampUtcIt”:”2023-12-03T07:45:00+0100″,”altBackground”:false,”title”:”Medioriente, Idf:da venerdì colpiti oltre 400 obiettivi a Gaza “,”content”:”

L’esercito israeliano continua a bombardare la striscia di Gaza e dalla fine della tregua, venerdì scorso, ha colpito \”oltre 400 obiettivi\”. Lo ha fatto sapere l’IDF, mentre il bilancio delle vittime, 240, è  stato fornito dal ministro della Salute di Gaza, gestito da Hamas.

“,”postId”:”670805bf-2d60-4728-a739-2a82179d30ff”},{“timestamp”:”2023-12-03T06:25:51.058Z”,”timestampUtcIt”:”2023-12-03T07:25:51+0100″,”altBackground”:false,”title”:”Medioriente, Hamas: 7 morti per raid Israele al confine con l’Egitto”,”content”:”

Israele ha continuato a colpire nella notte la Striscia di Gaza e Hamas ha lanciato razzi contro diverse città israeliane. Israele ha affermato che due dei suoi soldati sono morti in combattimento, i primi dalla fine della tregua. E almeno sette persone sono state uccise in un bombardamento israeliano questa mattina vicino al confine meridionale di Gaza con l’Egitto, secondo il governo guidato da Hamas. Ieri sera, attacchi israeliani hanno colpito anche il campo profughi di Nuseirat, nel centro di Gaza, uccidendo almeno 13 persone, secondo l’agenzia di stampa ufficiale palestinese Wafa. 

“,”postId”:”a5ea80fb-be12-41ea-b8af-73f10c7969f7″},{“timestamp”:”2023-12-03T05:45:00.566Z”,”timestampUtcIt”:”2023-12-03T06:45:00+0100″,”altBackground”:false,”title”:”Medioriente, Israele accetta di designare ampie \”safe zone\” a Gaza”,”content”:”

Israele ha accettato di designare ampie \”safe zone\” nel sud di Gaza. Lo riporta Nbc citando un funzionario del Dipartimento di Stato, secondo il quale le zone sicure saranno più grandi di quelle inizialmente discusse ma i dettagli sono ancora in via di definizione

“,”postId”:”c168dc95-2748-45c3-a464-da46f69e7aab”},{“timestamp”:”2023-12-03T05:30:00.537Z”,”timestampUtcIt”:”2023-12-03T06:30:00+0100″,”altBackground”:false,”title”:”Medioriente, Hamas: stop tregua fino a quando Israele non smette attacchi”,”content”:”

I negoziati per lo scambio di prigionieri sono terminati e non riprenderanno fino a quando Israele non interrompera’ le operazioni militari a Gaza e consegnerà tutti i prigionieri palestinesi detenuti nelle carceri israeliane. Lo afferma un funzionario di Hamas ad Al Jazeera. Israele ha ritirato la propria delegazione negoziale del Mossad a Doha, in Qatar, dopo l’\”impasse\” nella trattaviva per proseguire la tregua. 

“,”postId”:”2fd30808-90a8-4ed3-aef2-46b039889e87″}]}” query='{“live”:true,”configurationName”: “LIVEBLOG_CONTAINER_WIDGET”, “liveblogId”: “1cbaf10f-8e14-4e78-b689-1cce958bec71”, “tenant”: “tg24”, “page”: 1, “Limit”:20}’ >

Clashes continue in the southern Gaza Strip, and hopes for a truce in Gaza are fading. Israel has agreed, according to NBC, to designate large “safe zones” that will be larger than what was initially discussed. At the same time, he expels Khan Yunis and pushes the population towards Rafah, on the border with Egypt. The United States asks Netanyahu to protect Palestinian civilians and prevent settler violence in the West Bank. The Israeli leader insists that “the Oslo Accords were a grave mistake and the Palestinian Authority will never be able to control Gaza once Hamas is defeated.” The game is also played over hostages. Hamas claims it only has men and soldiers, while Israel claims it still has women and children.


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Al-Sharq Al-Awsat: More than 30 killed in an Israeli army raid on the southern Gaza Strip

More than 30 people were martyred this morning in Israeli air strikes that targeted areas in the cities of Khan Yunis and Rafah in the southern Gaza Strip. As of last night, ongoing airstrikes had damaged much of the eastern side of Khan Yunis, and residents were issued threatening orders to evacuate to the western side of the city or to Rafah City, Al Jazeera reported. The Qatari radio correspondent reported, “People began to leave Rafah, but were bombed, which confirms that there is no safe place in Gaza. Hundreds of residents are still stuck in the targeted areas in Khan Yunis, with the main roads leading to other parts continuing.” The city or to the south was destroyed or severely damaged.”

In the north, rescuers recovered at least 10 bodies from under the rubble after Israeli attacks destroyed 50 homes.

Middle East, Austin. You can only win urban warfare by protecting civilians

US Secretary of Defense Lloyd Austin spoke about the fighting between Israel and Hamas and said: “You can only win an urban war by protecting civilians.” Speaking at the Reagan National Defense Forum, Austin said he “has repeatedly made clear to Israeli leaders that protecting Palestinian civilians in Gaza is a moral responsibility and a strategic necessity.”

In the Middle East, Hamas fires more than 250 rockets at Tel Aviv and other cities

The armed wing of Hamas and its affiliated Islamic Jihad movement announced that they had fired rockets at Tel Aviv and other Israeli cities. According to the Israeli army, more than 250 missiles were launched; Two soldiers are

were killed.

Asharq Al-Awsat, the Israeli army: struck more than 400 targets in Gaza since Friday

The Israeli army continues its bombing of the Gaza Strip and has struck “more than 400 targets” since the end of the truce last Friday. This was announced by the Israel Defense Forces, while the health minister in Gaza, run by Hamas, put the death toll at 240.

Middle East Hamas: 7 killed in an Israeli raid on the border with Egypt

Israel continued to strike the Gaza Strip overnight, and Hamas fired rockets at several Israeli cities. Israel said that two of its soldiers were killed in the fighting, the first since the end of the truce. At least seven people were killed in an Israeli bombing this morning near the southern border of the Gaza Strip with Egypt, according to the Hamas-led government. Last night, Israeli attacks also targeted the Nuseirat refugee camp in central Gaza, killing at least 13 people, according to the official Palestinian news agency WAFA.

Middle East, Israel agrees to allocate large “safe zones” in Gaza

Israel agreed to allocate large “safe zones” in the southern Gaza Strip. NBC reported this, citing a State Department official, who said the safe zones would be larger than those initially discussed but details were still being determined.

Middle East, Hamas: Stop the truce until Israel stops its attacks

Prisoner exchange negotiations have ended and will not resume until Israel stops its military operations in Gaza and hands over all Palestinian prisoners detained in Israeli prisons. A Hamas official told Al Jazeera. Israel withdrew the Mossad negotiating delegation from Doha, Qatar, after a “stalemate” in the negotiations regarding continuing the truce.

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