The success of the PlayStation Portal makes us wonder: is Sony considering a new portable console?

The success of the PlayStation Portal makes us wonder: is Sony considering a new portable console?

The PlayStation Portal is doing well above expectations and could prompt Sony to consider a new portable console, but that will only happen under certain circumstances.

PlayStation Gate

Sony is thinking about New PlayStation Portable Due to PS Portal SuccessNo statements have been made on this matter by the Japanese company, but it is reasonable to assume that senior management has at least discussed the matter and evaluated all possibilities.

Let’s be clear: it’s not easy at all, nowadays, to launch a second platform. The PlayStation VR2 mode makes this quite clear.Every different device must be supported in a compelling way first and foremost by the manufacturer, and upon closer examination, Sony never had any intention of investing in its own new VR viewer.

So on what basis could a new portable PlayStation be created? Copying what Microsoft did with the Xbox Series Sthus creating a less powerful console than the current PS5, designed to run at lower resolutions and frame rates but compatible with the same games.

This solution would solve the main problem associated with launching a new platform, namely the need to effectively support it by investing in its development. Games designed specifically for this device.


Are these fantasies that are not possible? Probably not, if it is true that Microsoft is moving in precisely this direction: miniaturizing the components of the Xbox Series S and perhaps resorting to some small compromises to be able to assemble a portable device capable of running the titles of the current catalog on 720p or 1080p at 30fps.

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Furthermore, to support the potential project of a new portable PlayStation device compatible with PS5 games, there will also be Ascension techniques Which is rumored to be the case in the PS5 Pro, which could allow us to set a target of just 540 pixels and then double it by filling any 1080p resolution of the built-in display.

What we envision, in short, is a system. Start with PS5 specs but resize everything that can be resized.Lower operating frequencies, reduce RAM, and possibly add independent management chips for upgrades.

Considering it’s been nearly four years since Sony launched the PlayStation 5 Digital Edition for €400, even in terms of price, it’s possible that a new PlayStation Portable with these features could hit stores. For an amount not exceeding 300 euros.

What do you think? Are these crazy fantasies or a feasible project? Would you buy a PlayStation Portable with these features? Let’s talk about it.

This is an editorial written by a member of the editorial team and does not necessarily represent the editorial line of

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