On this Friday, the first live representation of Villavenot's birth scene took place, at Pla de l'Estany. Nativity scene with 35 years of tradition Which lasts for two days only, December 22 and 23.
The peculiarity of this edition is that one of the heroes of Christmas is one of the two days It is a family of two mothersAnd Aina, Tina and Lola, the couple's daughter, born in October, who plays Jesus as a child.
Participate in a live nativity scene It's a tradition in the family:Aina also played Jesus as a child when she was young. They explained that they were very excited when they proposed going out there this year, but neither of them wanted to dress up as a man to play St. Joseph. Finally, it was decided that the birth on this occasion would be from the Mother of God.
The other member of the family group, the first son of Aina and Tina, also had his part in the performance as a shepherd boy.
The fact that two women starred in this year's nativity scene at Villavenut raised some dust. But they say they only do it because they are so excited to participate in the village's live nativity scene They don't want to offend anyoneIt is not a claim and is not intended to be an example of anything.
Aside from the tale of God's two mothers in the stable, the representation of the living nativity at Villavenut was the same as that which had been performed for the past 35 years. More than a hundred add-ons They participated in it by pretending to be shepherds, angels, and kings of the East in the streets of the city. And as every year, there is also The true form of the kaganir. A role, yes, that never changes and which is always played by Joachim Finneas, showing his ass without shame.
The second Grotto Show will be held this Saturday. On this occasion starring another real couple from Villavenut where there will actually be Saint Joseph.
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