The homes of relatives of the perpetrator of the double murder of Sant Joan in Girona were destroyed in Figueres

Relatives of the victims of the double murder of the Sant Joan party in Girona have destroyed at least three homes of relatives of the alleged author of the events in the Colobret neighbourhood of Figueres, according to journalist Ana Ponce.

City Council sources confirmed that a group of 60-70 people destroyed the interior of three houses Of the population around nine o’clock in the evening.

The Mossos d’Esquadra and the Urban Guard of Figueres were deployed in the area Calming the souls and preventing further accidents.

Mayor of Figueres, Jordi MaskevHe condemned the events and said that the population was suffering “from the consequences of a group that takes the law into its own hands outside the legal framework”:

The police, who still are Find the author of the footage It was made using a Kalashnikov during the Carnival of Sant Joan, and has already had to perform in the last few days in the Font de la Polvora area of ​​Girona, the scene of the double murder.

The local security council in the capital Girona approved on Thursday. Maintaining the police force “uninterrupted” in Font de la Pólvora Until the neighborhood regains its “normality”. The Minister of the Interior, Joan Ignasi Elena, insisted that the double crime committed by the Sant Joan party in Girona was a “one-off event” and linked the possession of firearms to marijuana farms.

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