The government encourages the establishment of a railway training centre

The government encourages the establishment of a railway training centre

In order to better prepare and manage passenger service once it assumes powers, the state government has decided to strengthen the Catalonia Railway Training Center in Vilanova i la Geltrú, which will offer training in all professions related to train transport. The center is scheduled to become operational already from next year 24-25 and will gradually integrate educational materials in the field of railways.

The Minister of the Presidency, Laura Villagra, and the Minister of the Territory, Esther Capela, accompanied by the Mayor of Vilanova y la Giltro, Juan Luis Ruiz, presented this new training center. In his speech, Kabila noted that “the use of public transport makes it possible to cover the entire country”, which is why the railway network must be “extensive and reliable”, because it is “strategic infrastructure”.

Thus, he described the “complete” transfer of the Rodales from the state as a “very important milestone”, something that “until recently was inconceivable and has now become a reality that should allow us to improve the quality of life of Catalans”. In addition, he noted that Rodalis’ 400,000 users suffer “consequences such as accidents or delays that we want to reverse.”

“Economic fabric”

For his part, Villagra noted that the new training center will also have an impact on “the economic fabric that the transfer of Rodales will generate,” and stressed the importance of locating it in Villanova given the “past and future” connection with it. To rail transport, the Minister stressed that “in government, we put people at the center and that is why we are improving basic services, such as mobility,” and emphasized that the goal is for the new Catalan railway system to operate “in keeping with Swiss schedules.”

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The Minister stressed that in this goal of ensuring the highest quality service to passengers, it is important to “train students in the field of railways” to undertake “transportation with all guarantees and in the best possible way.”

Currently, the FX Lluch i Rafecas Institute in Vilanova trains students in maintenance while different players in the Catalan railway system train their own teams. Despite this, the state intends to concentrate training in a specialized center and expand the subjects taught there.

In this sense, courses will be offered that will allow the approval of the Railway Safety Agency as mechanics, personnel of vehicle handling, infrastructure, train operations or those responsible for monitoring the maintenance of railway vehicles. In addition, training will be provided for other professions that do not require this approval such as railway mechanic, train maintenance operator, on-board service assistant, train assistant and others.

Generalitat aims to reach about a thousand students of different levels of vocational training and for the number of teaching staff, among whom will be many experts, to be about 80. As the government explained, the center will be located in the existing FX Institute Lluch and Rafecas will be expanded, so that The so-called “railroad loop” in Vilanova and La Geltru.

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