The first symposium on botany tomorrow in the Department of Agricultural Sciences

The first symposium on botany tomorrow in the Department of Agricultural Sciences

Tomorrow at 8.30, in the Great Hall of the Department of Agricultural, Food and Agro-Environmental Sciences, the first symposium on plant sciences of the University of Pisa will take place. Plants have always been an essential and indispensable component of human life: they feed us, clothe us, provide us with oxygen, energy and medicines, and improve the quality of the urban environment. But they are also major factors of culture and religions. Therefore, botany includes an incredible variety of disciplines, ranging from food technologies to economics, from ecology to biotechnology, from ethnobotany to physiology, from conservation to genetics, from agricultural production to art history. Most of these areas of interest are adequately represented at the University of Pisa, where several internationally recognized groups operate.

The aim of the first symposium on botany is precisely to bring together this heterogeneous and interdisciplinary community of researchers, united by the recognition of the role of the botanist for a sustainable future, to give them the opportunity to create new synergies. The symposium will be divided into six sections: Plants and Human Sciences, Plants and Biological Studies, Plants and the Environment, Innovation and Sustainability in Plant Growing, Plants and Products, Plants and Precision Systems.

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