The first bee pollen approved in the USA

The first bee pollen approved in the USA

Even bees will be able, in the near future, to prevent a dangerous disease caused by Paenibacillus larvae.

The first approved bee pollen in the world in the United States

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seems to be in America Bees are exposed to serious epidemic risks. there because I am It would be bacteria Paenibacilluswhich may causedouble And the death of many hives. sound This pathogen mainly infects larvae deposited by the queen bee.

Currently There is no specific treatment for this type of disease. In some regions of beekeepers in the United States found this pathogen in quarter of beehives. So they had to to destroy And burn a lot colonies considered infected. Later they had to Administration Antibiotics for preventionin addition to spread.

L’US Department of AgricultureUS Department of Agriculture, as such awarded a Conditional license for a company Biotechnology American production drugs able to restrain and preventEpidemic In progress. Especially yes deal with vaccine used bacteria disabled only from Paenibacillus larvae.

In the Basis From this approach there study bee behavior itself. Ago pathogen It is believed to attack caterpillars Represent directly on the bees involved in feed Queen bee. This is the last that Receive famous Royal Jelly Which helps her on her own single task to produce larvae.

The first bee pollen made in the USA

US approved bee pollen

the Immunostimulator Through the generations that the vaccine produces, it does not bear fruit impervious The same insect, but children. the inactive bacteria It is mixed into the candy used inDonates Queen bee. So researchers Think about making sureQueen bee receive his food that contains inactivated bacteria from the pathogen.

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this way immune response It will be passed on to the offspring. the Serum So it was approved and will be approved initially project Who produces honey and its derivatives? Action. Later, most likely, it will be marketed Even on a large scale.

after every thing , Survival Insect pollination, in particular beesnecessary for our balance environmental system. They help the flowers to multiply and they contribute on biodiversity and many more agricultural products All over the world they come vaccination.

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like insects Don’t just contribute to reproduction Of those plants that serve sustenance of the world’s population, but they are Presence Accelerates the restoration of vegetation. The researchers were able to note that, after A fire or in nearby areas desertificationAttend the Insect pollination back accelerated Factory and flowers.

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