The first and important defeat of the island government

The first and important defeat of the island government

Alfonso Jimenezthe counselor’s romantic partner Sylvia PanikHe will not finally be the Chief of Staff of the Territory, Housing and Environmental Transition. His appointment a few days ago caused a great stir in social networks, tempered by the media, most of which spent a lot of time on such an important issue of nepotism – and again, we came across several newspapers that talked about this issue. That Jiménez was the romantic partner of the councilor after the resignation or termination of service or whatever happened, and not before, when the information was relevant and necessary.

Officially, it was Jiménez himself who stepped aside, claiming that his career “proves that the accusations are nothing more than the will of specific individuals and political organizations to harm the government.” He added, “I am not ready to accept this outcome and that is why I am taking this decision.”

I will not repeat here and now the obvious reasons that turned the decision into a scandal and that I have already explained in the editorial of this eighteenth issue. We have unfortunately become accustomed to the fact that our politicians never want to accept their mistakes, but such arrogance hidden behind this explanation, the little capacity for self-criticism and so much pharisaism, in the end also ends up being useful in knowing how this closed and closed world, barricaded in front of the population, which the Generalitat de Catalunya has become, works and what will happen to it because, in the end, it sheds full light on the causes of the original error; of the error that led to the first defeat of the Generalitat. President Ella.

As many people have expressed these days, The most surprising question of all is how Chancellor Panicke thought this was a good idea.What a great disconnect from reality, from the basic rules of business, from the concerns and reality of the common people and ordinary people, that could lead to the adoption of a decision that is clearly counterproductive – even to their interests. It was a very wrong decision, as the reversal that took place within a few days of its own accord and without further explanation proved.

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And this disconnect – which is also evident in the letter – is the real problem and the main problem of this government. And that is why this case is useful to us: because it already represents a good beginning where stones have fallen, and many stones will fall, in the government of Salvador Illa.

And in the last legislative council it will be proven You cannot rule Catalonia with a minority government that is obsessively closed off within the four walls of the party headquarters.It is true that the number of MPs in Illa’s party is greater than that of Aragones, but it is still very far from being able to govern with a stable executive authority.

But in one detail, it makes the situation worse for him. Within the Esquerra Republica, there were, and still are – and this is demonstrated by the 48% of voters against the position who managed to stand up to both sides of the leadership – people with ideas, people with ambitions, with the will to change. The country in a certain direction, people who believe in politics as an instrument of transformation. In short, there was an ideology that the political leadership of the party disparaged and destroyed, but which was a clear north and horizon, its raison d’être. However, there is nothing inside the PSC today. Not even that. Nothing but the ambition for power. Without flesh and also revenge on the independence movement that humiliated him because he was one step away from the party disappearing in Catalonia, as it had already disappeared in many European countries. Which is unforgettable, although independence itself was in itself so stupid that it was revived again and put it at the center of political life, making it govern everywhere.

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Thus, the socialists, who act with such blindness about the kind of society we have, are condemned to repeat the mistakes. To make “palenques” every two by three and thus enter into constant chaos.

They trust the story and the control of the media, and rightly so. In this the Madrid school prevailed definitively within the PSOE and They are absolutely convinced that nothing matters except how the fish is sold in the market..The great innovation of Tony Blair For socialism and the left it waswrap (Constant manipulation of information to always present it in a positive way, whether it is or not.)wrap It has become the centre of the political strategy of the majority of European social democracy – and unfortunately, of most parties – and the cause of its decline, its transformation. I was never a Maoist, but I understood perfectly well the metaphor according to which “the party must swim among the people like a fish in water”. And I proved him right. Independence does that, it swims among the people like a fish in water, thanks above all to the ANC, thanks to its dense social structure that appears in every city, neighbourhood and street. But not socialism. Not the socialism that is crumbling today, protected and driven by the anti-democratic violence of Spain and trusted and provoked above all by the mistakes of the left, but also by the unions and the CUP.

But the problem for them is thatwrapIt requires an essential element, without which it does not work, which is the indifference, naivety, submission and ignorance of the population. That is why the obsession that the ERC already had and which was one of the reasons for its decline, is the control of the media, where they devote and will devote much of the work they have devoted to trying to tame us, trying to make us obedient and dependent, to punish us with all kinds of obstacles for those who do not enter their path, as is the case with VilaWeb.

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But what happens when a country has a sufficiently cohesive social fabric that has already created its circles? Information and discussion, and who is accustomed to practicing criticism, because he knows that there is a possible alternative, because he lived it himself? Well, it simply happens that the chief of staff, who, as the romantic partner of the minister, thinks of each other – both of them and the party that has never prevented such barbarism and the star – must resign in four days wrap That he was trying to hide the underlying data – that this would leak and that nothing would happen here simply.

PS1. Xavier Montagna Today we are presented with the work of a journalist. Sally Haydena colleague who reported on something else that the major European political and media powers don’t want us to know about: the criminal and inhumane conditions in which migrants are imprisoned. Secret detention camps in Libya. The ultimate expression of European border policy, mixed with EU money that enriches dictators and warlords who treat migrants like mangy animals, making Europe responsible for the death and torture of thousands of people trying to cross the Mediterranean in search of a decent life: Libya, the world’s hell for African migrants supported by Europe.

PS2. I assume many of you have already read it, but just in case I recommend you read this article by the historical leader Herri Batasuna. Church of Tasio What we published yesterday: The problem lies with Jarena, not with Puigdemont.

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