The bank sends this SMS: Don't open it, it's a scam

The bank sends this SMS: Don't open it, it's a scam

You may be tempted to open this text message from “your bank,” but it is actually a scam. Here's what it's all about

Mobile messaging is a tool that people use every day and is gaining increasing importance in digital communications.

The bank sends this SMS: Don't open it, it's a scam
Beware of this scam text message –

If previously it was a tool used exclusively by people to communicate informally, it can now also be used by public bodies and companies for their communications. But this also exposes us to various risks and that is why we want to talk to you about fraudulent messages that seem to arrive from our banks via SMS. If you also receive one, do not open it as it is a scam. Here's what it's all about.

Fake SMS from the bank, do not open this fraudulent SMS

One of the most common scams used by cybercriminals is phishing. This method involves stealing the victim's data, often an elderly person who is not familiar with digital tools. The purpose is Extorting money in exchange for returning dataOr use the same information incorrectly.

The bank sends you this SMS: Do not open it
This is what it's all about –

This is an increasingly used technology and is starting to cause significant damage among the population. Now there is a new scam consisting of The message appears to be from your bank. But actually it is a scam and it can really hurt you. Spoofing is often associated with phishingor a scam in which criminals pretend to be a reliable and accredited source.

In many cases, these are text messages sent from someone pretending to be a public authority or bank. This is the situation One of the latest SMS scams Which became very popular in this period. Inside there is a referral link that leads to sites and portals that require payment. In the latest fraudulent message that is spreading like wildfire, it says:Intesa Sanpaolo: Payment was attempted from a new device. If this is not you, visit:“.

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This is a real scam. Obviously this is a lot It is important not to click on the link To prevent the theft of personal data. To defend yourself from these attacks, it is always important to do this Beware of grammatical errors Found in Messages Furthermore, banks never send messages asking you to click on a link. Therefore, it is always best to avoid clicking on links within messages Always be wary of unknown senders.

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