Tenants' unions from around the world meet for the first time in Barcelona

Barcelona celebrated this weekend The first international conference of tenants' unions from all over the world. More than two hundred activists or people who are experts in aspects related to the problem of access to affordable rent come together to discuss, analyze and, above all, exchange strategies. Representatives from sixteen European and North American countries are participating in the conference. And the place I decided to do it was Barcelona.

From the Tenants Union, its spokeswoman, Marta Ell, confirms this Housing problem and speculation “It is not a question that only occurs in the Spanish state, and it is not a question that only occurs in certain countries, but Operates internationallyThat is why they come to the conclusion that they must “establish stable relations.”

That's why they signed what they called it Barcelona DeclarationThey say it is the first step for the International Organization for the Right to Housing and Combating Real Estate Speculation.

One strategy that has been worked on and discussed a lot these days is the idea of ​​A Rent strikelike what happened in Barcelona in 1931. A procedure that is now being repeated in places like Toronto, Canada, where there was a ten-month tenants' strike in four buildings in the city.

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