Tax authorities do not go on vacation: here is the schedule of deadlines for August

Tax authorities do not go on vacation: here is the schedule of deadlines for August

more than 205 tax dates Between payments, communications and accounting obligations. August started a few days ago, and so, at least for the lucky ones, is summer vacation. according to Suspension From completions and tax payments until next August 20, all projected deadlines for this month will be concentrated in a few days.

In accordance with the provisions of Article 37 Paragraph 11 bis of Legislative Decree No. 223/2006 (later amended by Article 3 – IV of Legislative Decree No. 16/2012), tax obligations and tax payments that expire Between August 1 and 20 It can be done during the last day (ie the 20th day) without any extra. The 20th, however, falls on a Saturday and therefore the deadline for sending has been extended to Monday August 22.

Contribute to the backlog of tax deadlines will certainly be beginning last July, from the obligation electronic billing For fixed-rate schemes whose revenue/fee exceeded €25,000 in 2021, as well as new methods of implementing ester metering through the SDI system.

the first LimitAnd it is actually an extension that we talked about in a previous article from IlGiornale which is the 2021 installments payment from Skimming third And the Balance and extractionplanning to Monday August 8.

The black seal Tax deadlines, as we said, will be “recovery” day, August 22, with 28 tax deadlines in one day. Begins with the payment and settlement of taxpayers forvalue added tax in July through Form F24 by entering tax code 6007; Payment will be made only if the amount exceeds 25.82 €, otherwise the payment can be postponed to the next month.

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On the same day, March, April and May 2020 payments suspended under Ordinance Cura Italy And you will have to pay an amount value added tax balance 2021.

In addition, on Tax Day, you will have to:

  • Contract registration rent Pay the registration tax
  • INPS payment I contributions For separate management and normal management of employees
  • Pay withholding agents
  • Pay subscriptions snooze by artisans and merchants

However, at the end of the month, you will have to:

  • make the payment Third installment of personal income tax o First deposit in 2022 and balance in 2021 but with an increase in interest of 0.66%
  • Pay the third installment of dry voucher and the first deposit in 2022, while if you make the balance in 2021, you will have to pay with the applicable increase of 0.66%

So it is better to organize your own Evaluation Deadlines, because the tax authorities will not go on vacation.

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