Prevent the citizen from burning the Koran? illegal. Someone created it Swedish Supreme CourtWhich ruled to overturn a police decision dating back to last February, which prohibits burning the sacred text of Islam.
To widen the dispute between the two countries was The first reaction of the Swedish government To Ankara’s grievances: He has already condemned the gesture and declared that he did not share the statements made by the demonstrators, but added that  “In Sweden, burning the Qur’an is not a crime”. However, in February, the police refused a new request for a similar gesture, this time to be carried out in front of the Iraqi embassy (the Supreme Court ruled on this specific matter).
A few days after Paludan’s gesture, among other things, it was discovered that he had paid the license expenses for that demonstration (320 kroner, about 32 euros) It was Chang Frick, a former contributor to the Russian Propaganda Channel Russia Today. – I did not tell him to burn the Qur’an, but a certain knowledge. Frick justified himself. three weeks ago, On January 11thA meeting was held in front of the municipal building in the Swedish capital A sit-in in favor of Kurdish separatists from the Kurdistan Workers’ Party (PKK), during which a mannequin of Erdogan was hung upside down..
to be sure The Scandinavian Supreme Court’s decision is not among the “concrete actions” that Ankara said it expected from Sweden to support its accession to NATO. Instead, the opposite happened. And Tensions ripen. Just this morning, Stockholm’s intelligence services announced the arrest of five suspects: Looks like they wanted to plan some terrorist acts Just a retaliation for Paludan’s gesture.

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