Stellantis closes, reasons for stopping production | The crisis is linked to a known cause

Stellantis closes, reasons for stopping production |  The crisis is linked to a known cause

Stunning annoyances continue in the Italian production of Stellantis. Production halted, forcing thousands of workers home and some factories to stop. The reason is associated with the constant supply of parts and various materials.

Stilants and inconvenience in production. The story has been going on for some time now. The reasons are related to the few resources available in terms of components and materials. The truth is that Many factories greatly delay production Others, even, have been – and are – forced to close for some periods.

Stellantis closes, reasons for stopping production |  The crisis is linked to a known cause

Journalist Bianca Carreto in Corriere della Sera checks out the stellar situation wondering how he’s doing “The fourth automobile manufacturer in the world fails to organize itself, once again emptying the cost of this many plant into the pockets of the workers.” The confusion is completely legal. Workers are at war and Stellants plans to send more than 1,800 employees home by the end of the year on our lands. But what happened in the past few hours?

Other closures and locks

The news of the last few days is not only about the usual problems with the supply of materials, but also about something much more radical. In fact, Two other Italian factories of Stellantis have been forced into drastic temporary closures In recent days, waiting for an improvement in the situation. refer to Melfi plants, in Basilicata, and Seville, in Abruzzo.

For a long time, many factories are facing an increasingly difficult and unsustainable situation for many employees. The staff reduction is already underway and will continue in the coming months. Coming to the cold numbers, The number of employees decreased from 50,000 and 800 in 2021 to 49,000 by the end of this season. The number could drop in 2023.

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What are the missing pieces?

The lack of material, as mentioned, is the reason for the delays in the production of Stellantis. But what parts are not available at the moment? The obvious thing is the lack of Semiconductorssubordinate chip Based on consoles. This is a general problem that affects all major global brands. But there will be moreAccording to the testimonies of some workers in the Italian factories of Stilants.

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An employee of Pomigliano, for example, – in addition to the above materials – knows that other pieces are missing as well. These are his words: “There are also pieces that have nothing to do with electricity. For example, girders, fuel pipes, springs, luggage racks, and brackets.”

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