Space, a historic clash at 3000 km/s | Two galaxy clusters gave life to new matter – Image – CUENEWS

Space, a historic clash at 3000 km/s | Two galaxy clusters gave life to new matter – Image – CUENEWS

An unprecedented event left everyone speechless: here is the clash of two galaxies.

Dark matter and dark energy represent two of the most mysterious mysteries. Impressive And the universe’s complexes. While dark matter is a form of matter that does not emit, absorb, or reflect light, making it invisible and detectable only through gravitational effects, dark energy is a hypothetical form of energy that pervades all of space and appears to be responsible for the acceleration of the universe. The expansion of the universe. Both are invisible, but they play roles. important In the structure and destiny of the universe.

there Dark matter It makes up about 85% of the total mass of the universe, but it interacts with ordinary matter only through the force of gravity. This means that although we can’t see it directly, we can infer its existence by observing how gravity affects the motion of stars and galaxies.

Galaxies and galaxy clusters, in fact, It cannot hold together without the additional mass provided by dark matter.It does not behave like ordinary matter: it does not form atoms, it does not emit electromagnetic radiation, and it does not aggregate into structures like stars or planets.

On the other hand, Dark energy It is even more mysterious. He – She It represents about 70% of the energy. The universe as a whole seems to work as one. centrifugal force, They resist gravity and push galaxies apart. They are not bound to particles like matter, and they do not interact directly with light or other forms of energy in any detectable way.

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Collision between galaxy clusters and separation of matter

This distinction between Dark matter and Dark energy Highlights the complexity of modern cosmological physics. While dark matter seems interacts only by gravity It contributes to the formation of cosmic structures and dark energy. The expansion of the universe drives Widely.

Both, though invisible, shape our world in fundamental and largely unknown ways. An extraordinary example of how Dark matter Behaving differently than normal observed during CCollision between galaxy clusters MACS J0018.5+1626.

Illustration of a collision between two galaxies
Illustration of a collision between two galaxies (WM Keck Observatory/Image Adam Makarenko) –

Scientists Discover

During this event, Hot gas between galaxies collides and heats up.While the galaxies themselves remained mostly intact. However, Dark matter It did not meet the same fate as gas: it separated and keep moving Forward without slowing down.

By measuring the Sunyaev-Zel’dovich kinetic effect, scientists were able to Determine the gas cloud velocity And notice how Dark matter It behaves differently than usual. This discovery opens up new avenues for understanding the nature of Dark matter It could lead to further revelations about its interaction with the universe.

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