Solar garden day and night

Solar garden day and night

The engineering company Sivortex of Lleida presented a project last Monday at the Teruel Convention Center with the participation of the Minister of Environment and Tourism of the Government of Aragon, Manuel Blasco; From the Labor and Economic Development Councilor of the Teruel City Council, helping a large part of the commercial, economic and political fabric of the city. The park was named Actuel Solar, a name taken from the star represented on the city’s coat of arms.

The aim of the project, as Carlos Badia, CEO of Sivortex, explains, “is to provide sustainable and economical green energy to improve competitiveness and act as a driving force to attract new companies from new sectors with these values.”

It is a pioneering project for self-production of energy in the state that combines a 100 MW photovoltaic generation complex, which will occupy an area of ​​274 hectares, with a 200 MW/h storage battery that will be charged with surplus production during the day and will allow this energy to be saved during the night. .

The battery accumulates energy through an industrial process that converts carbon dioxide in a gaseous state into a liquid and vice versa to recover the accumulated energy. “A principle similar to that used in reversible hydropower plants, where the primary element does not decompose or have to be replaced. It is a process without negative externalities, free of emissions, of bio-based raw materials and of polluting elements that returns clean green energy,” noted Carlos Badia. .

The second innovation presented is the Actuel Smart Grid system, which will allow minute-by-minute management of generation and accumulation. It is a program developed by the project that relies on big data technologies, and will collect data provided by a network of sensors installed in connected companies and combine it with other statistical and historical data, whether consumer or meteorological, to be processed with the help of trained artificial intelligence systems. specially.

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The local authorities and the Aragon Government present positively evaluated the project and the planned investment of €120 million and expressed their support for an initiative that could become a reality by the end of 2025.

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