Science places. Look at the sky | science

Science places.  Look at the sky |  science
Science placesJourney through Italy for scientific research and experimentation. A story that highlights the close relationship between science and the region and leads us to discover the places where researchers work and the natural environments that are the subject of their research. The story is entrusted to its presenter Claire Buratti which explores the places of Italian science and reveals its cultural and natural horizon, but also the passion for science of the protagonists of the most important research projects.

In this episode dedicated to astronomy, the first stop is in Veneto, on the Asiago plateau, in the province of Vicenza, where the Sima Ikar observation station of the National Institute of Astrophysics is located. There is the director of the INAF Astronomical Observatory in Padua, Roberto Ragazoniand astrophysics Lena TomasellaAsiago Ekar-INAF office coordinator and researcher Valentina Vitoastronomer at the INAF Astronomical Observatory of Padua, tells what they are looking for through optical telescopes located in this pristine place in the Alps.

Then we go to Sardinia, in Jeri, in the province of Cagliari. In the province of San Basilio, in the Prano-Sangone region, stands the imposing SRT radio telescope, the Sardinia radio telescope, of the National Institute of Astrophysics, one of the most modern telescopes in the world. director Emile Molinari And the Sergio Bobbyastronomer and chief of operations at SRT, both from the Astronomical Observatory of Cagliari-INAF explain to us what they are looking for with the huge dish of the Great Sardinia Radio Telescope.

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aired on saturday December 24, 2022 in a 21.00 Top Rai School

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