Science Museum, the new “Stem” laboratory to fall in love with science subjects –

Science Museum, the new “Stem” laboratory to fall in love with science subjects –
From Marta Gaza

Algorithms, software and visual data in the new laboratories in the “Future Inventor” space. Three rooms to “heal” those who suffer from physics and mathematics books

Colorful tubes hang from the ceiling like chandeliers. A forest of iron pillars ready to make you the conductor of an orchestra: One arm up and dling, first toneShe turns, picks it up, and here’s a second song, slowly composing a melody. Or: red circles on the ground, jump in it, then she moves from one to the other, inventing the paths that are projected in the form of threads on the walls, Gives life to draw. The latest generation of electronic games? No, it’s The Inventors of the Future, the new laboratory space of the National Museum of Science and Technology by Leonardo da Vinci, developed in collaboration with the Roca Foundation.

An innovative proposal to bring young people closer to STEM stands for Scientific Technical Disciplines Indirectly. Italian students, more than their European peers and certainly more than Asians, Suffers on math and physics books. And what if it wasn’t a question of predisposition, national genetics, but just a methodological problem? What if interest (and the consequent desire to understand) does not excite only the way the topics are presented?

“The approach of future inventors is different, First you do the experiment and then you think about it, Quite the opposite of what happens in the classroom.” Patrizia CerrutiHead of the Science, Technology, Engineering, and Mathematics Education Program at the Museum. “Algorithms and software behind the scenes of games with music, shows and graphics, but you get there gradually after enjoyingTo involve the very young (and in general all visitors), a change was necessary, a break from the more traditional workshops (even if Leonardo da Vinci revisited it for some time).

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was the idea Connecting technology and science with art. Museum called Experts from all over Europe: Austrian teacher Gerhard Funk; Swedish composer Anders Lind; Dutch artist Machel Weltkamp is an expert in data visualization and interaction design; German robot artist and engineer Moritz Simon Geist. Initial trial period, e From Sunday 16th Future Inventors is ready to welcome the young audience (When booking, when buying the ticket online).

Three rooms, five tracks. It is impossible to remain lukewarm, experiences are enveloping and inviting. Interactive installations that turn space into one A large digital blackboard to draw on while walking; video shooting in animated forms that are constantly changing and changing their appearance; Mechanical mirrors for analog to digital conversion. “They are active, experiential learning pathways, deliberately transversal to teach science and technology and get a passion for it,” Cerruti notes. While Gianviles Roca“The world is developing very quickly, and equipping young people with these skills is equivalent to what learning English has represented to previous generations: having the tools of freedom at hand,” the Roca Foundation President stated.

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Jan 13, 2022 (change on Jan 13, 2022 | 07:17)

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