Science confirms the benefits of tuna and canned fish

Science confirms the benefits of tuna and canned fish
Science confirms the benefits of tuna and canned fish

They are healthy, practical and delicious. And science rewards them as the main component of a healthy diet. We are talking about canned fish, which is also recommended for consumption in the medical field.

ANCIT (National Association of Canned Fish), with the assistance of three experts Andrea Polli (President of the Italian Nutrition Foundation – NFI), Carlotta Franchi (Head of Laboratory at the Mario Negri Institute in Milan and Scientific Coordinator of the Italian Institute for Planetary Health) and Luca Piretta (Gastroenterologist and Nutritionist at Campus Bio-Medico University of Rome) to collect the latest scientific evidence about canned fish, as well as to debunk the major fake news about canned tuna.

The positive relationship between dietary consumption of fish and many aspects of human health has been confirmed by a rich series of scientific studies conducted in different parts of the world. According to science, it is recommended to consume fish, which allows in particular the intake of certain types of fats, with very positive effects on health, in at least one or two portions per week due to the obvious protective effects. The results of many researches conducted strongly support the important role of fish as part of a healthy diet, recommended by dietary guidelines in various countries, passing through Australia and the United States up to the European Food Safety Authority (EFSA).

Canned tuna and other fish preserves are a treasure trove of nutritional attributes that are always in keeping with the zeitgeist. Versatility and practicality, they combine accessibility and goodness. In the face of limited calories (192 calories per 100 grams of tuna canned in drained oil), little saturated fat, little cholesterol, and abundant polyunsaturated fatty acids, it guarantees ample intake of vitamins A, D, B12, B3, potassium, and iodine. But above all, they provide an important intake of protein, which today is an essential factor of choice in the shopping cart: for more than 1 in Italians, proteins are essential for muscle growth and for more than 4 in 10 Italians they provide essential amino acids for the development and maintenance of cells and tissues (source : Doxa search). For one in every Italian, fish proteins are more noble than vegetable proteins and canned tuna is confirmed as evergreen. Suffice it to say that canned tuna is ideal compared to a food that is always considered ideal for consuming protein such as an adult steak: 100g of drained tuna in oil provides 25.2g of protein versus 20g in 100g of oil. Raw beef fillet, 35 mcg selenium vs. 17 mcg fillet, 5 mcg vitamin B12 vs. 2 mcg fillet and 10.4 mcg vitamin B3 vs. 4.7 mcg fillet (Source: IEO Database).

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