Sardinia, Volutia and Eta share roads. But for the pockets of travelers, they suffer from pain

Sardinia, Volutia and Eta share roads.  But for the pockets of travelers, they suffer from pain

Sardinia is alluring. And a lot, it seems. So much so that airlines ETA Airlines and Volotea They decided to travel to and from the island to ensure the population Regulated tariffs Without benefiting from the region’s compensation for a period of 12 months starting from May 15th. The carrier born from the ashes of Alitalia and the Spaniard (which was awarded last October for 7 months, with a 41% discount on 37 million, the negotiating procedure was urgently launched by the region after the last flight of the flag of the airline and already in continuous flights) arrived Road division agreement At Cagliari H . airports Olbia towards Rome Fiumicino and Milan Lynette. But from Alghero you will be only eta To ensure flights to the same hubs on the peninsula.

cost simulation – As for the prices, they are according to the simulations already applied on the companies’ websites Variable by day and the time chosen. An average of 57 euros each way for Rome and 70 for Milan, starting from Cagliari. Non-residents (and those who do not belong to equivalent categories, such as the disabled, seniors and college students) pay more and the amount may have increased, which in some periods rises to reach the price of more than doubled. This week there for example Three days of the “red label” For non-residents who want to move from the peninsula. Amazing prices even with low-cost airlines, especially from Rome to the capital of Sardinia and vice versa: on Wednesdays, Thursdays and Fridays, the return ticket approaches (with Volutia) 700 euros, 339 euros each way. There are those who fear that it will be a summer preview. With all due respect to the tourist’s recovery hopes

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Effects on tourism and transport efficiency – About the concerns raised in recent weeks by Tour operators (under which differentiated tariff between residents and non-residents can constitute a penalty for the sector), Chairman Federalberghi, Paulo Mancapoints out: “We will see when the flight calendar will be determined in an accurate way. However, the gist is The frequencies that we wish for are numerous: This can guarantee the movements of those who want to spend their holidays on our island and then have to leave.” The Regional Tourism Council focuses on the topic of efficient transportation, Gianni Chiesa, Which insists on the fact that “tourism and the economy in Sardinia in general need an efficient transport capable of ensuring quality, punctuality, new services and economy”. Speaking about the ETA and Volutia agreement, he adds: “The two companies have started again with many new destinations that help the tourism sector system breathe a sigh of relief. The goal of seasonal adjustment thanks to transportation, It’s a challenge we can win“.

attractive market – The regional advisor also emphasized the interest in the Sardinia market Giorgio Todd (Transportation): “The certificate is exactly the agreement between the two companies, after the success achieved in terms of air regional continuity. A important signal Which exposes us favorably to the summer season.” Concepts re-emphasized by the representative of the regional executive during the ceremony organized in Cagliari during the 10 years of Volutia’s activity in Italy. “An opportunity to celebrate the solid relationship between Volutia and Sardinia – II Carlos Munoz President and founder of the Spanish transport company – we have never stopped investing in the local area which is one of the most important international markets.” The figures presented by Volutia seem significant: “Since the beginning of the activities we have transported more than 4.2 million passengers at the regional level. Volutia’s presence in Sardinia, as well as maximizing passenger traffic, contributed to this Strengthening the economic fabric of SardiniaAccording to the estimates of the carrier – with the opening of the bases of Cagliari, Olbia and Alghero – it was possible to create about 200 “job opportunities, among pilots and personnel on board”.

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Forgotten workers – But an aspect of the debate these days, albeit significant, about the number of flights and prices, has been left in the shadows, as if the problem no longer exists: the fate of the workers left on the ground together with their company’s planes. to remember her Arnaldo BoedduSecretary-General Felt Kjell Sardinia, who urges immediate confrontation with the Council led by the President Christian Solinas And the light shines again Dramatic story from AirItaly. The unionist proposes the formation of a single basin by ex-workers of the Sardinian Catariot company, by Alitalia as well as by Blue panorama and neos: “In order to pull from there for new employees,” insists Boeddu. “Nevertheless in terms of personnel necessary to ensure regional continuity, Boeddu . believes “It is necessary to arrange a reward for the former AirItaly. Many words have been spent on relocating 1,322 employees of Air Sardinia but no concrete actions have been followed.”

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