SaluTO 2022 started yesterday and will continue This Sunday afternoonstarting at 15.00.
Two days of scientific publication, with free and free admission, aimed at the citizens of Turin, with the aim of informing and discussing the most prevalent topics in the field of health and exposing the fake news circulated on the Internet every day that brings bad information.
The theme of this edition “Health, Environment and DNA: Let’s Get Back to Life”, emphasized by Professor Stefano Giona, President of the University of Turin, sees the return of the possibility of participation in attendance and reminds us of the importance of finding a space for effective communication and reclaiming the reins of our daily lives.
Professor Ezio Jeju, endocrinologist, creator and scientific coordinator at SaluTO was farsighted when, in 2019, he decided to start this project with event organizer YEG! , Hoping to counter the spread of false news in the medical field. From the world of the web: Fake news increased significantly in the following year, with the emergence of the Covid-19 epidemic.
And in these two days of talking with doctors, as well as university professors, about the fake news circulating on the web, many were discovered and exposed.
One of these was debunked yesterday by Professor Umberto Riccardi, Director of the Turin School of Medicine and Professor of Radiotherapy, or the popular belief that smoking does not favor the emergence of cancer “because even those who do not smoke get cancer”: nothing is more wrong. There are now many scientific studies that contradict this rumor, and as the professor said yesterday during his talk “Breast and Lung Cancer: Cell Genes for Customized Therapies”, cigarette smoking is still the main cause of lung cancer and adenomas.
Moreover, recent studies have discovered the occurrence of small cell tumors, the so-called microcellular neoplasms, where genetic variance is so high that it is very difficult to determine the drug target and appropriate treatment for each type of malignancy.
Professor Ricciardi stresses that even exposure to secondhand smoke greatly predisposes to the risk of cancer and warns all smokers so that, by quitting, they can set a good example to preserve their own health and the health of others.
On the other hand, returning to the words of Professor Guigo, the goal of SaluTO is to start scientific publishing precisely from people who study and work in the health sector: doctors, students and all professionals who, thanks to their work of direct contact with people and patients can help to cope with Spread of fake news.
Another important aspect of SaluTo is the cooperation with the Polytechnic of Turin, represented by Rector Guido Saracco and Professor of Biomedical Engineering Chiara Tonda Turo, which has allowed the transfer of knowledge related to the use of new technologies, many of which are already reducing the duration of treatment, thereby reducing health costs and reducing waiting lists long ; An example is the application of new radiotherapy techniques that Prof. Riccardi highlighted when talking about oncology.
As explained by Dr. Giovanni La Valle, Director of the AOU Città della Salute e della Scienza, in which Molinette Hospital is ranked among the 50 best hospitals in the world, the main objective now is precisely to invest money in technological development. To simplify the experience of patients and the work of health care workers.
The ceremony was also attended by Dr. Dario Galina, President of the Turin Chamber of Commerce, who emphasized the resources of our lands worthy of strengthening and development; In order to make all this information accessible to citizens, effective communication becomes essential, Dr. Luigi Genesio Icardi, Health Consultant of the Piedmont Region, emphasized, and this is exactly the goal that SaluTo has set for itself.
In the conversations this afternoon we’ll talk about endocrinology, pediatrics, genetics, geriatrics, and much more. It is possible to take part in the event in the presence of Cavallerizza Reale, with free entry depending on availability, or follow it live by connecting to the website
Being in attendance is not only a way to rediscover old habits but also an opportunity to be able to ask questions, doubts, and perplexities directly to the doctors in the room, and to return to those old college traditions that medical professors watched. Teaching and, at the same time, population doctors.
Moreover, dealing with public health also means devoting oneself to urban development that improves the well-being and quality of life of citizens, and as stated by Dr. Jacopo Rosatelli, City Councilor of Turin, often the weakest are the groups. Those who find themselves forced to confront a disease and rely on news and health information that turns out to be false and misleading.
We hope to see you in large numbers at this event so that you can find scientific and reliable answers to your questions, and thus contribute to the dissemination of correct information.
Dr. Irene KasabClinical Psychologist and Psychologist
“Infuriatingly humble social media buff. Twitter advocate. Writer. Internet nerd.”