Russia, the United States and Germany are the No-Vox queens

Russia, the United States and Germany are the No-Vox queens

AGI – Over the past month, the rate of suspicion of anti-Govt vaccines in the world has dropped by an average of only 1%, and although it has not been banned by many governments in Europe, it remains stable.

Recent research by Morning Consult has revealed that 15 countries around the world, including Italy, were interviewed from November 2 to 8 last year.

The United States ranks second in the world for non-Vox: Unlike Russia, vaccine penetration is high (67%), But 18% of respondents say they will not be vaccinated and 9% say they are skeptical. Immediately, Europe comes with Germany: here 79% say they have been vaccinated, 11% say they will not be vaccinated and 6% say they have not decided. Between 6 and 9% of ‘radicals’ are not recorded in the following countries: Canada, France, United Kingdom, Italy (seventh in the rankings), Australia, Japan and South Korea.

In order to assess vaccine rates and interest in anti-coagulant serums, the Morning Consult asked adults in each country to “Have you been vaccinated or not?” Heard that. Respondents may answer “yes”, “no, but I will get it in the future”, “no, I do not know if I will get it in the future” or “no, I’m not going to get it”. It “.

Answers like these It allows the identification of skeptics and uncertainties, whose motivations have been analyzed by the research firm.. The sample is from 15 countries, including Russia, the United States, Germany, Canada, France, the United Kingdom, Australia, Italy, South Korea, Japan, Spain, Brazil, Mexico, India and China.

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Focusing on adults who say they have not decided on the possibility of vaccination, concerns about side effects, and the speed at which CERA has passed clinical trials is one of the main reasons not mentioned by any wax in most countries: in Italy, the two factors they cited. 50% and 25% of those who resisted the vaccines, respectively.

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