Rain will hit the country again as a prelude to an unsettled week

Rain will hit the country again as a prelude to an unsettled week

BarcelonaThe sweltering, summer-filled heat returned on Saturday, with temperatures once again exceeding 30 to 34 degrees Celsius in many places, although the mercury was lower than in previous days. During Saturday morning, we already witnessed the first rain showers (you will find all the data at the end of this information), in preparation for the weather change that will bring us rain showers and thunderstorms starting on Sunday. Your weekend will end very differently than it started.

Sunday morning, a big change in the weather

The arrival of a cold air pocket will cause a drastic change in the weather. Between dawn, morning and noon, rain can fall anywhere in the country. During the first half of the day, it will mainly affect the southern and western half of the province, although it may already affect other provinces and be accompanied by storms. The thermal sensation in the first hour may fool some people, as the temperature will be similar to Saturday’s temperature at some points, but in many cases the minimum temperature will occur at the end of the day.

Sunday afternoon, locally severe storms

During the second half of the day, rain will be more in the northern and eastern half and will affect more counties. It will be intense and can leave more than 20 l/m² in just half an hour in many areas, especially in northern and central Catalonia (Berguida, Lucanes and Osuna), where the warning issued by the Meteorological Service of Catalonia reaches level 3 around 6.

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Monday, more rain and cold

Between Monday and Wednesday, we will have new rain and storms in many counties. On Monday, it will be locally strong in the Pyrenees and the northeast of the country, and it may be accompanied by stones or cold again. Good news for continuing to provide water to tanks.

As of Tuesday, more rain and a very slow mercury

It is clear that a more active and springy weather will dominate most days of the week, with scattered and fairly intense rains depending on the day and with temperatures on the brink, leaving normal values ​​for the season, even slightly below average in some cases after A week of summer heat. At the moment there are no new warmings on the horizon.

Heat balance and first shower

The atmosphere on Friday was full of summer, with temperatures rising significantly at that time. 36°C was again exceeded in Ponent, but unlike on Thursday, 37°C was not reached. Temperatures fell further on Saturday, with maximums barely exceeding 34°C, although overnight lows from Friday to Saturday were higher and did not dip below 20°C in many places, with 23.6°C in central Barcelona. , 20.9°C. °C in Viladecans (Baix Llobregat) or 20°C in Lleida.

In addition, the first showers fell on Saturday morning, concentrated in the northern and western half. 6 l/m² emerges in Noria (Repolis), 5 in Guardiola de Bergueda and 2 in Panadilla (Noya), accompanied by mud due to the presence of dust in the suspension system.

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