R-Evolution Green, science and theater unite in promoting the mountains

R-Evolution Green, science and theater unite in promoting the mountains

After the “Mountain Project” created by the Teatro Verdi in Pordenone with the Italian Alpine Club, will come a new path linked to art, theater and science. We are talking about “R-Evolution Green”, an unprecedented cycle of public meetings for in-depth scientific and popular information on issues related to highlands scheduled to be held in Verdi from October 25 to April 4, 2024 (Sala Palcoscenico, entry via Rome, starting Always at 6:30 pm) to explore issues related to sustainable development and regeneration paths, in the presence of a group of experts coordinated by journalist Luca Calzolari. A Pordenone Theater project that benefits, in addition to the collaboration with CAI, UNCEM and the UNESCO Dolomite Foundation, with the support of the Friuli Foundation, the Pordenone-Udine Chamber of Commerce and the sponsorship of the FVG Journalists’ Syndicate.

The first appointment is on Wednesday 25 October on the theme “The Duality of the Mountain” to learn how the mountain is a contradictory place, generating attraction and repulsion, suggesting the grotesque and the sublime. As well as the mountainous landscapes, which evoke both aesthetic charm and disturbing charm. In this alternation of feelings, the mountain becomes a metaphor for life. All this will be told by Annibale Salsa, the famous anthropologist and essayist, former president of the Italian Alpine Club, and among the greatest experts on Alpine reality. On December 6th it will be the turn of the encounter from the Apennines to the Alps, renewal of the mountains, renewal of the country. The mountain is an exceptional laboratory for building trajectories of livelihood and economic coexistence, as Silvio Barbero – Vice-Rector of the University of Gastronomic Sciences of Pollenzo, and former National Vice-President of Slow Food Italy – and Giovanni Tenigi, from Confcooperative, will explain. . On February 19, Elisa Palazzi and Sarah Segantin – respectively professor of climate physics at the University of Turin, Geo-Rai3 correspondent, and expert on climate justice – will explain to us how the mountain is the real test of climate change that could be irreversible. On March 22, there will be a space on the theme of mountain industry where we will discover how the highlands are also places where important industrial activities are created. Lorenzo Deladio (CEO of La Sportiva), Giorgio Didola (professor at the University of Trento) spoke about it, and in a video interview, Roberto Cimillo, former CEO of Luxottica, spoke about it. The grand finale on April 4th with two women who chose to live and work in the mountains despite the low population and the difficulties of life at the highlands: Marzia Verona and Manuela Cozzi. All meetings will feature a musical introduction by Nicola Milan on accordion – Pordenone Chamber Orchestra with readings by Antonio Polletta. Free entry with reservation at the ticket office or online.

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