Prevention of prostate diseases

Prevention of prostate diseases

the prostate It is part of the male urogenital system, and its most important function is to produce part of the urogenital system liquid sperm. However, it is known that the vast majority of men over the age of 80 will experience an increase in size and thickness – which is known as Benign prostatic hyperplasia Because with age, the risk of developing a cancerous process increases. But in addition to this, which can occur at any age, it can also be affected by infections and inflammatory disorders.

The most common prostate disease

  • Prostate enlargement. It is an increase in size due to a benign tumor called prostate adenoma. It is very common and increases in frequency starting from the age of 50.
  • Prostatitis. It is usually more common in younger men. It is an inflammation of the gland, which may be of infectious origin.
  • Prostate cancer. It is a malignant tumor located in the prostate gland. Their frequency also increases starting from the age of fifty.

currently The exact causes of prostate cancer are not clearDespite it being the most common cancer among Spanish men. There are many risk factors that cannot be controlled, such as age or family history. These factors do not allow us to strongly indicate a specific way to prevent the disease, but it is possible to follow some tips that help us avoid prostate problems, including cancer.

At present, the exact causes of prostate cancer are not clear

Suitable diet

Good nutrition is key to avoiding many diseases, not just those related to the prostate. Diet is a potential risk factor that is easy to modify. Generally, Danger The incidence of prostate cancer decreases with a low-fat diet (especially animal fats) and rich in vegetables, fruits and grains.

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Physical exercise

the life lazy It involves a number of negative factors that affect not only prostate diseases. Several studies suggest that men who engage in regular physical activity have a slightly lower risk of developing prostate cancer. It is necessary to include physical exercise in our daily activity: forget the car and go to work, ride the bike…

Frequent sexual activity

There is a lower incidence of prostate cancer in men who have one Adequate and frequent sexual functionAvoid urinary tract infections and sexually transmitted diseases. Ejaculation flushes out cancer-causing compounds that can build up in the gland.

Another way to prevent prostate-related diseases is to develop correct urination habits, that is, without unnecessarily prolonging the time between urination and another.

Prevention and regular prostate examinations

Unlike other types of cancer, prostate cancer develops very slowly, so time is on our side when it comes to cancer Detecting the disease at an early stage. From the age of 45 it is recommended Conduct a medical examination every year or year and a halfAlthough control can be more stringent if there are familial risk factors in parents or siblings.

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