Pep Valls, Fundesplai's communications director for more than three decades, has died

Pep Valls, Fundesplai's communications director for more than three decades, has died

BarcelonaJournalist Josep Valls-Hausmann, head of the communications department at Fundesplai for more than thirty years, died this morning from cancer at the age of 60 at his home in Barcelona, ​​with his family. They explained from the entity that remembers him as a passionate person that “the numerous love letters that arrive by all means are a small sample, as he himself told us a few days ago, of the privilege of loving and being loved.” . In particular, it highlighted Waltz's passion for his family: his wife, children, parents, siblings, and nephews were “a big pineapple that made his world go round.”

It also highlights Waltz's passion for communication. A journalist by training, he began his career in print journalism, then applied his knowledge in the offices where he worked, especially at Fundesplai. In fact, among the many messages of affection and remembrance that have arrived, many have come from the many fellow journalists Valls has introduced over the years of working in the sector. He was one of those responsible for enhancing the entity's social projection, edutainment initiatives, social inclusion and improving the environment in general.

A vigil will be held on Monday from 3:30pm to 9pm at the Ronda de Dalt Mortuary, and a service will be held on Tuesday at 1pm at the same mortuary.

Encouraging free-time journalism

ARA and Fundació Catalana de l'Esplai have been collaborating for years in promoting journalism from an educational point of view. In 2018, the Journalism Campus was born, which they jointly organize with the aim of teaching young Catalans the importance of having high-quality media that educate and inform, and of being citizens with a critical spirit. Journalists from the newspaper such as Anthony Passas, Mónica Planas, and Xavier Bertral, among others, are directly involved, and it targets boys and girls between 11 and 16 years old. Recently, ARA and the organization also organized the Journalism and Music Campus, the ultimate goal of which is for participants to compose a song with a social theme.

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