Parents of two minors, ages 1 and 4, who were alone and drugged on the street were arrested in Syria

The National Police arrested the parents of a boy and a girl aged one and a half and four years Those accused of committing the crime of abandonment In Syria, children were found on the street in poor sanitary and hygienic conditions, and in addition, they were found to have used cocaine in subsequent medical tests conducted on them.

As the government sub-delegation reported in a statement, the minors were found by a couple who were walking on Sunday afternoon on one of the city’s central streets. The two children were in Unprotected modeThey walked barefoot and in poor sanitary conditions.

After waiting a while to see if the parents appear, marry them off He was taken to the police station For the National Police. Once there, the children received initial and subsequent care The officers requested medical attention To conduct a medical examination.

In this way, an ambulance transported them to the main hospital in the city, where they underwent several tests They have tested positive for cocaine use.

In parallel with the National Police Identify the parents and locate them, who were arrested on charges of abandoning minors. After he was handed over to the Magistrate Court, a decision was issued to release him The brothers' guardianship passed to the Junta de Castilla y León.

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