On the 55% gasoline tax, its production cost is 87 cents per liter

On the 55% gasoline tax, its production cost is 87 cents per liter

That’s right, we consumers of 2022 still pay a paternalistic tax for the Abyssinia war, but first and foremost comes the rigor of digital data. The weekly study by the Ministry of Transition indicates that the cost of gasoline on Monday, March 7 is an average of 1.95 euros per liter, of which 1.08 euros is a tax fine and an industrial price of 87 cents. Diesel 1.82 per liter is 94 cents a tax disincentive and 88 cents industrial prices. Yes, it is the higher taxes that make gasoline more expensive than diesel, which actually has a higher market price than the green one.

And after taxes, the cost of Italian fuel is lower than the European average. In percentage terms, the fuel tax penalty is 55% of the final cost of gasoline and 51% of the total price of diesel. For those who like details, in a survey on gasoline on Monday, March 7, the excise tax was 72.8 cents and the value-added tax was 35.2 cents. For diesel, 61.7 of the excise tax and 32.9 of a value-added tax of 22%.

Abyssinian war

As in the case of transparent cars, the tax burden of 1.08 euros on gasoline consists of dozens of increases, from the first cars that smell on the side of the road to modern Euro6 cars, the Italian state has funded every company and every difficult moment. It was 1935 when His Excellency Cavalier Benito Mussolini (forgive the barrage of capital letters) decided to use the gasoline tax to give money to the Abyssinian War and create his ephemeral empire. He added that the very high excise tax is 1 lira and 90 cents, which is equivalent to a sudden increase of 2.19 euros today. But there were very few cars, and they had spoke wheels, children and dogs chased cars on the road, and those who could afford the ultimate luxury of a car could afford such a scorching excess.

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Always one to one

In the country with the world’s most creative and hungriest taxmen, fuel taxes have been the most frequently used tool for dealing with emergencies. Decisions to raise taxes have never made clear the reasons and duration of the new excise duties, so once the emergency is over, governments with elegant distraction always forget to remove the purpose tax. In words they were ‘once’, in fact they have been ‘always one’. The atrocious war in Bosnia (23.11 liras per liter) was the only transparent case for items with an expiration date (until December 31, 1996), but a few days before the expiration date, the usual elegant distraction made the price hike stable forever. tax.

Suez, Bellis and the others

In addition to the Abyssinian war, excise duties were increased to pay for damages and rebuilding for the major tragedies in Vaiont (10 liras, October 63), Irbinia (80 with an increase of 75 liras) and humanitarian interventions in Lebanon (205) liras in 1983, divided into two appropriate parts) . then another 14 liras to meet the global crisis of the Suez Canal in 1956. Another 9.6 liras (excluding Ige) for the damage caused by the floods of Venice and Florence on November 4, 1966; Another 10.07 lire for the ’68 Bliss earthquake; Another 99.8 lire for the Friuli earthquake in May 76. With each refueling, along with the car, the ghosts of the Immortal March of the Royal Army march towards Addis Ababa.

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